Geert Goemans
Geert Goemans
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The catadromous European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) as a model for freshwater evolutionary ecotoxicology: relationship between heavy metal bioaccumulation, condition and …
GE Maes, JAM Raeymaekers, C Pampoulie, A Seynaeve, G Goemans, ...
Aquatic toxicology 73 (1), 99-114, 2005
Decreasing eel stocks: survival of the fattest?
CGJ Belpaire, G Goemans, C Geeraerts, P Quataert, K Parmentier, ...
Ecology of freshwater fish 18 (2), 197-214, 2009
Perfluorooctane sulfonic acid and organohalogen pollutants in liver of three freshwater fish species in Flanders (Belgium): relationships with biochemical and organismal effects
PT Hoff, K Van Campenhout, K Van de Vijver, A Covaci, L Bervoets, ...
Environmental pollution 137 (2), 324-333, 2005
Spatial variations and temporal trends between 1994 and 2005 in polychlorinated biphenyls, organochlorine pesticides and heavy metals in European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) in …
J Maes, C Belpaire, G Goemans
Environmental pollution 153 (1), 223-237, 2008
A molecular phylogeny of the cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) with a review of tribe and subfamily classification
DC Marshall, M Moulds, KBR Hill, BW Price, EJ Wade, CL Owen, ...
Zootaxa 4424 (1), 1–64-1–64, 2018
Eels: contaminant cocktails pinpointing environmental contamination
C Belpaire, G Goemans
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (7), 1423-1436, 2007
Brominated flame retardants and polychlorinated biphenyls in fish from the river Scheldt, Belgium
L Roosens, AC Dirtu, G Goemans, C Belpaire, A Gheorghe, H Neels, ...
Environment International 34 (7), 976-983, 2008
The European eel Anguilla anguilla, a rapporteur of the chemical status for the water framework directive?
C Belpaire, G Goemans
Vie et Milieu/Life & Environment, 235-252, 2007
Spatio-temporal dynamics of the parasitic nematode Anguillicola crassus in Flanders, Belgium
V Audenaert, T Huyse, G Goemans, C Belpaire, FAM Volckaert
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 56 (3), 223-233, 2003
Morphological deformities in Chironomus riparius Meigen larvae after exposure to cadmium over several generations
L Janssens de Bisthoven, J Postma, A Vermeulen, G Goemans, F Ollevier
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 129, 167-179, 2001
Vitellogenin content in European eel (Anguilla anguilla) in Flanders, Belgium
BJ Versonnen, G Goemans, C Belpaire, CR Janssen
Environmental Pollution 128 (3), 363-371, 2004
Pollution fingerprints in eels as models for the chemical status of rivers
C Belpaire, G Goemans, C Geeraerts, P Quataert, K Parmentier
ICES Journal of Marine Science 65 (8), 1483-1491, 2008
A field survey of metal binding to metallothionein and other cytosolic ligands in liver of eels using an on-line isotope dilution method in combination with size exclusion (SE …
K Van Campenhout, HG Infante, G Goemans, C Belpaire, F Adams, ...
Science of the total environment 394 (2-3), 379-389, 2008
Cytosolic distribution of Cd, Cu and Zn, and metallothionein levels in relation to physiological changes in gibel carp (Carassius auratus gibelio) from metal-impacted habitats
K Van Campenhout, HG Infante, PT Hoff, L Moens, G Goemans, ...
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 73 (3), 296-305, 2010
Off-target capture data, endosymbiont genes and morphology reveal a relict lineage that is sister to all other singing cicadas
C Simon, ERL Gordon, MS Moulds, JA Cole, D Haji, AR Lemmon, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 128 (4), 865-886, 2019
Bimodality in head shape in European eel
C Ide, N De Schepper, J Christiaens, C Van Liefferinge, A Herrel, ...
Journal of Zoology 285 (3), 230-238, 2011
Probabilistic approach to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) exposure through eel consumption in recreational fishermen vs. the general population
M Bilau, I Sioen, C Matthys, A De Vocht, G Goemans, C Belpaire, ...
Food additives and contaminants 24 (12), 1386-1393, 2007
Field and experimental morphological response of Chironomus larvae (Diptera, Nematocera) to xylene and toluene.
L Janssens de Bisthoven, C Huysmans, R Vannevel, G Goemans, ...
Het Vlaamse palingpolluentenmeetnet, 1994-2001: gehalten aan polychloorbifenylen, organochloorpesticiden en zware metalen in paling
G Goemans, C Belpaire, M Raemaekers, M Guns
Instituut voor Bosbouw en Wildbeheer, 2003
The classification and phylogeny of the Neotropical Cicada Tribe Zammarini (Hemiptera, Cicadidae) and a revision of its type genus Zammara Amyot & Audinet Serville, 1843 and …
G Goemans
University of Connecticut, 2016
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Articles 1–20