Todd J. Moss
Todd J. Moss
Founder and Executive Director, Energy for Growth Hub
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Cited by
An aid-institutions paradox? A review essay on aid dependency and state building in sub-Saharan Africa
TJ Moss, G Pettersson Gelander, N Van de Walle
Center for Global Development working paper, 11-05, 2006
The trouble with the MDGs: confronting expectations of aid and development success
MA Clemens, CJ Kenny, TJ Moss
World development 35 (5), 735-751, 2007
African development: making sense of the issues and actors
TJ Moss, D Resnick
Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2018
Oil-to-cash: Fighting the resource curse through cash transfers
T Moss
Yale J. Int'l Aff. 6, 43, 2011
Stock markets in Africa: emerging lions or white elephants?
CJ Kenny, TJ Moss
World development 26 (5), 829-843, 1998
The ghost of 0.7 per cent: origins and relevance of the international aid target
MA Clemens, TJ Moss
International Journal of Development Issues 6 (1), 3-25, 2007
China ExIm Bank and Africa: new lending, new challenges
T Moss, S Rose
Center for Global Development Notes 3, 2006
Costs and causes of Zimbabwe’s crisis
M Clemens, T Moss
Center for Global Development 20, 2005
Is Africa’s scepticism of foreign capital justified? Evidence from East African firm survey data
T Moss, V Ramachandran, MK Shah
Does foreign direct investment promote development, 337-366, 2005
Saving Ghana from its oil: The case for direct cash distribution
TJ Moss, L Young
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2009
The global war on terror and US development assistance: USAID allocation by country, 1998-2005
TJ Moss, D Roodman, S Standley
Available at SSRN 1114154, 2005
Measuring “Reasonably Reliable” access to electricity services
J Ayaburi, M Bazilian, J Kincer, T Moss
The Electricity Journal 33 (7), 106828, 2020
No longer poor: Ghana’s new income status and implications of graduation from IDA
TJ Moss, S Majerowicz
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2012
What’s wrong with the millennium development goals
M Clemens, T Moss
Center for Global Development Brief, 2005
The other costs of high debt in poor countries: growth, policy dynamics, and institutions
TJ Moss, HS Chiang
The World Bank, 2003
US Policy and Democratisation in Africa: the limits of liberal universalism
TJ Moss
The Journal of Modern African Studies 33 (2), 189-209, 1995
Compassionate conservatives or conservative compassionates? US political parties and bilateral foreign assistance to Africa
MP Goldstein, TJ Moss
Journal of Development Studies 41 (7), 1288-1302, 2005
IDA at 65: Heading toward Retirement or a Fragile Lease on Life?
TJ Moss, B Leo
Center for Global Development Working Paper, 2011
After the Big Push? Fiscal and institutional implications of large aid increases
TJ Moss, A Subramanian
Center for Global Development working paper, 2005
Adventure Capitalism: Globalization and the political economy of stock markets in Africa
T Moss
Springer, 2003
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Articles 1–20