Parinaz Jafari
Cited by
Cited by
Social network analysis of change management processes for communication assessment
P Jafari, E Mohamed, SH Lee, S Abourizk
Automation in Construction 118, 103292, 2020
Automated extraction and time-cost prediction of contractual reporting requirements in construction using natural language processing and simulation
P Jafari, M Al Hattab, E Mohamed, S AbouRizk
Applied Sciences 11 (13), 6188, 2021
Data-driven simulation-based model for planning roadway operation and maintenance projects
E Mohamed, P Jafari, MFF Siu, S AbouRizk
2017 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC), 3323-3334, 2017
Mixed qualitative–quantitative approach for bidding decisions in construction
E Mohamed, P Jafari, A Hammad
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 29 (6), 2328-2357, 2022
Leading Safety Indicators: Application of Machine Learning for Safety Performance Measurement
P Jafari, E Mohamed, E Pereira, SC Kang, S AbouRizk
Reliability sensitivities with fuzzy random uncertainties using genetic algorithm
P Jafaria, E Jahani
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 60 (3), 413-431, 2016
Fuzzy-based multivariate analysis for input modeling of risk assessment in wind farm projects
E Mohamed, P Jafari, S AbouRizk
Algorithms 13 (12), 325, 2020
Machine Learning–Based Bayesian Framework for Interval Estimate of Unsafe-Event Prediction in Construction
L Wu, E Mohamed, P Jafari, S AbouRizk
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 149 (11), 04023118, 2023
Simulation-based approach for lookahead scheduling of onshore wind projects subject to weather risk
E Mohamed, P Jafari, A Chehouri, S AbouRizk
Sustainability 13 (18), 10060, 2021
Reaction time optimization based on sensor data-driven simulation for snow removal projects
P Jafari, E Mohamed, M Ali, MF Francis Siu, S Abourizk, L Jewkes, ...
Construction Research Congress 2018, 482-491, 2018
Leading indicators for safety management: understanding the impact of project performance data on safety performance
E Mohamed, P Jafari, SC Kang, E Pereira, S AbouRizk
Proc., Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, 2019, Montreal, Canada, 0
Risk assessment for onshore wind projects in Canada
E Mohamed, NG Seresht, P Jafari, S AbouRizk
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 191, 114145, 2024
Web-Based Job Hazard Assessment for Improved Safety-Knowledge Management in Construction
E Mohamed, P Jafari, E Pereira, S Hague, S AbouRizk, R Wales
A Framework for Enhancing Contract-Related Documentation in Construction
P Jafari
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Articles 1–14