Christian DiCanio
Cited by
Cited by
The phonetics of register in Takhian Thong Chong
C DiCanio
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 39 (2), 162-188, 2009
The Phonetics and Phonology of San Martín Itunyoso Trique
CT DiCanio
ProQuest, 2008
Using automatic alignment to analyze endangered language data: Testing the viability of untrained alignment
C DiCanio, H Nam, DH Whalen, H Timothy Bunnell, JD Amith, RC García
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (3), 2235-2246, 2013
Coarticulation between tone and glottal consonants in Itunyoso Trique
CT DiCanio
Journal of Phonetics 40, 162-176, 2012
Vowel variability in elicited versus spontaneous speech: evidence from Mixtec
C DiCanio, H Nam, JD Amith, RC García, DH Whalen
Journal of Phonetics 48, 45-59, 2015
The Phonetics of Fortis and Lenis Consonants in Itunyoso Trique
CT DiCanio
International Journal of American Linguistics 78 (2), 239-272, 2012
Itunyoso Trique
CT DiCanio
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 40 (02), 227-238, 2010
Prosody in Mesoamerican languages
C DiCanio, R Bennett
The Oxford Prosody Handbook, 2018
The phonetics of information structure in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec
C DiCanio, J Benn, R Castillo García
Journal of Phonetics 68, 50-68, 2018
The phonetics of moraic alignment in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec
C DiCanio, JD Amith, RC García
4th Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Language (TAL), 2014
The Acoustic and Visual Phonetic Basis of Place of Articulation in Excrescent Nasals.
K Johnson, C DiCanio, L MacKenzie
UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report, 529-561, 2007
10. Abstract and concrete tonal classes in Itunyoso Triqui person morphology
CT DiCanio
Tone and inflection, 225-266, 2016
Cross-linguistic perception of Itunyoso Trique tone
CT DiCanio
Journal of Phonetics 40 (5), 672-688, 2012
Cue weight in the perception of Trique glottal consonants
C DiCanio
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 135 (2), 884-895, 2014
The interaction of vowel length and speech style in an Arapaho speech corpus.
C DiCanio, DH Whalen
ICPhS, 2015
Triqui tonal coarticulation and contrast preservation in tonal phonology
C DiCanio
Proceedings of the workshop on the sound systems of Mexico and Central …, 2014
Phonetic structure in Yoloxóchitl Mixtec consonants
CT DiCanio, C Zhang, DH Whalen, RC García
Journal of the International Phonetic Association 50 (3), 333-365, 2020
Assessing agreement level between forced alignment models with data from endangered language documentation corpora
CT DiCanio, H Nam, DH Whalen, HT Bunnell, JD Amith, RC García
Proceedings from Interspeech 2012, Portland, Oregon, 2012
On the non-universality of intonation: Evidence from Triqui
C DiCanio, R Hatcher
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 144 (3), 1941-1941, 2018
Expressive alliteration in Mon and Khmer
C DiCanio
UC Berkeley Phonology Lab Annual Report 2005, 337-393, 2005
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Articles 1–20