The Duong
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Cited by
Rubidium multication perovskite with optimized bandgap for perovskite‐silicon tandem with over 26% efficiency
T Duong, YL Wu, H Shen, J Peng, X Fu, D Jacobs, EC Wang, TC Kho, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (14), 1700228, 2017
A universal double‐side passivation for high open‐circuit voltage in perovskite solar cells: role of carbonyl groups in poly (methyl methacrylate)
J Peng, JI Khan, W Liu, E Ugur, T Duong, Y Wu, H Shen, K Wang, H Dang, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (30), 1801208, 2018
Interface passivation using ultrathin polymer-fullerene films for high-efficiency perovskite solar cells with negligible hysteresis
TW Jun Peng, Yiliang Wu, Ye Wang, Daniel Jacobs, Heping Shen, Xiao Fu, Yimao ...
Energy & Environmental Science, 2017
Nanoscale localized contacts for high fill factors in polymer-passivated perovskite solar cells
J Peng, D Walter, Y Ren, M Tebyetekerwa, Y Wu, T Duong, Q Lin, J Li, ...
Science 371 (6527), 390-395, 2021
Mechanically-stacked Perovskite/CIGS Tandem Solar Cells with Efficiency of 23.9% and Reduced Oxygen Sensitivity
KC Heping Shen, The Duong, Jun Peng, Daniel Jacobs, Nandi Wu, Junbo Gong ...
Energy & Environmental Science, 2018
Monolithic perovskite/silicon-homojunction tandem solar cell with over 22% efficiency
YL Wu, D Yan, J Peng, Y Wan, SP Phang, H Shen, N Wu, C Barugkin, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 10 (11), 2472-2479, 2017
Two birds with one stone: dual grain-boundary and interface passivation enables> 22% efficient inverted methylammonium-free perovskite solar cells
S Gharibzadeh, P Fassl, IM Hossain, P Rohrbeck, M Frericks, M Schmidt, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 14 (11), 5875-5893, 2021
Efficient indium‐doped TiOx electron transport layers for high‐performance perovskite solar cells and perovskite‐silicon tandems
J Peng*, T Duong*, X Zhou, H Shen, Y Wu, HK Mulmudi, Y Wan, D Zhong, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 7 (4), 1601768, 2017
Centimetre-scale perovskite solar cells with fill factors of more than 86 per cent
J Peng, F Kremer, D Walter, Y Wu, Y Ji, J Xiang, W Liu, T Duong, H Shen, ...
Nature 601 (7894), 573-578, 2022
Double‐Sided Surface Passivation of 3D Perovskite Film for High‐Efficiency Mixed‐Dimensional Perovskite Solar Cells
MA Mahmud, T Duong, Y Yin, HT Pham, D Walter, J Peng, Y Wu, L Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials, 1907962, 2019
In situ recombination junction between p-Si and TiO2 enables high-efficiency monolithic perovskite/Si tandem cells
KRC Heping Shen, Stefan T Omelchenko, Daniel A Jacobs, Sisir Yalamanchili ...
Science Advances 4 (12), 2018
Structural engineering using rubidium iodide as a dopant under excess lead iodide conditions for high efficiency and stable perovskites
T Duong, HK Mulmudi, H Shen, YL Wu, C Barugkin, YO Mayon, ...
Nano Energy 30, 330-340, 2016
Light and electrically induced phase segregation and its impact on the stability of quadruple cation high bandgap perovskite solar cells
T Duong, HK Mulmudi, YL Wu, X Fu, H Shen, J Peng, N Wu, HT Nguyen, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (32), 26859-26866, 2017
Identifying the cause of voltage and fill factor losses in perovskite solar cells by using luminescence measurements
N Wu, Y Wu, D Walter, H Shen, T Duong, D Grant, C Barugkin, X Fu, ...
Energy Technology 5 (10), 1827-1835, 2017
Origin of efficiency and stability enhancement in high‐performing mixed dimensional 2D‐3D perovskite solar cells: a review
MA Mahmud, T Duong, J Peng, Y Wu, H Shen, D Walter, HT Nguyen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (3), 2009164, 2022
Monolithic perovskite/Si tandem solar cells: pathways to over 30% efficiency
H Shen, D Walter, Y Wu, KC Fong, DA Jacobs, T Duong, J Peng, K Weber, ...
Advanced energy materials 10 (13), 1902840, 2020
High Efficiency Perovskite‐Silicon Tandem Solar Cells: Effect of Surface Coating versus Bulk Incorporation of 2D Perovskite
T Duong, H Pham, TC Kho, P Phang, KC Fong, D Yan, Y Yin, J Peng, ...
Advanced Energy Materials, 1903553, 2020
Semitransparent perovskite solar cell with sputtered front and rear electrodes for a four-terminal tandem
T Duong, N Lal, D Grant, D Jacobs, P Zheng, S Rahman, H Shen, ...
IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics 6 (3), 679-687, 2016
Perovskite solar cells employing copper phthalocyanine hole-transport material with an efficiency over 20% and excellent thermal stability
T Duong, J Peng, D Walter, J Xiang, H Shen, D Chugh, M Lockrey, ...
ACS Energy Letters 3 (10), 2441-2448, 2018
How reliable are efficiency measurements of perovskite solar cells? The first inter-comparison, between two accredited and eight non-accredited laboratories
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017
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Articles 1–20