Andrew H. Whittemore
Cited by
Cited by
Exclusionary zoning: Origins, open suburbs, and contemporary debates
AH Whittemore
Journal of the American Planning Association 87 (2), 167-180, 2021
The experience of racial and ethnic minorities with zoning in the United States
AH Whittemore
Journal of Planning Literature 32 (1), 16-27, 2017
Zoning Los Angeles: a brief history of four regimes
AH Whittemore
Planning Perspectives 27 (3), 393-415, 2012
Reassessing NIMBY: The demographics, politics, and geography of opposition to high-density residential infill
AH Whittemore, TK BenDor
Journal of Urban Affairs 41 (4), 423-442, 2019
Practitioners theorize, too: Reaffirming planning theory in a survey of practitioners’ theories
AH Whittemore
Journal of Planning Education and Research 35 (1), 76-85, 2015
Phenomenology and city planning
AH Whittemore
Journal of Planning Education and research 34 (3), 301-308, 2014
American urban form: a representative history
SB Warner, A Whittemore
MIT Press, 2012
Racial and class bias in zoning: Rezonings involving heavy commercial and industrial land use in Durham (NC), 1945–2014
AH Whittemore
Journal of the American Planning Association 83 (3), 235-248, 2017
Finding Sustainability in Conservative Contexts: Topics for Conversation between American Conservative Élites, Planners and the Conservative Base
A Whittemore
Urban Studies 50 (12), 2460-2477, 2013
Exploring the acceptability of densification: How positive framing and source credibility can change attitudes
AH Whittemore, TK BenDor
Urban Affairs Review 55 (5), 1339-1369, 2019
Opposition to housing development in a suburban US County: Characteristics, origins, and consequences
AH Whittemore, TK BenDor
Land Use Policy 88, 104158, 2019
Mapping gay and lesbian neighborhoods using home advertisements: Change and continuity in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metropolitan Statistical Area over three decades
AH Whittemore, MJ Smart
Environment and Planning A 48 (1), 192-210, 2016
How the federal government zoned America: the federal housing administration and zoning
AH Whittemore
Journal of Urban History 39 (4), 620-642, 2013
The role of racial bias in exclusionary zoning: The case of Durham, North Carolina, 1945–2014
AH Whittemore
Environment and planning A: economy and space 50 (4), 826-847, 2018
Talking about density: An empirical investigation of framing
AH Whittemore, TK BenDor
Land use policy 72, 181-191, 2018
There goes the gaybourhood? Dispersion and clustering in a gay and lesbian real estate market in Dallas TX, 1986–2012
MJ Smart, AH Whittemore
Urban Studies 54 (3), 600-615, 2017
Requiem for a growth machine: Homeowner preeminence in 1980s Los Angeles
AH Whittemore
Journal of Planning History 11 (2), 124-140, 2012
A case of (decreasing) American exceptionalism: Single-family zoning in the United States, Australia, and Canada
AH Whittemore, W Curran-Groome
Journal of the American Planning Association 88 (3), 335-351, 2022
A national inventory and analysis of US transfer of development rights programs
TK BenDor, J Branham, A Whittemore, E Linkous, D Timmerman
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 65 (12), 2276-2296, 2022
Rhetorical Framing in Planning: An Empirical Investigation of How Planners Discuss Density
AH Whittemore, TK BenDor
Journal of Planning Education and Research 41 (1), 48-61, 2021
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