Joseph Francos
Cited by
Cited by
A unified texture model based on a 2-D Wold-like decomposition
JM Francos, AZ Meiri, B Porat
IEEE transactions on signal processing 41 (8), 2665-2678, 1993
Gaussian mixture models of texture and colour for image database retrieval
H Permuter, J Francos, IH Jermyn
2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2003
Model based phase unwrapping of 2-D signals
B Friedlander, JM Francos
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 44 (12), 2999-3007, 1996
Maximum likelihood parameter estimation of textures using a Wold-decomposition based model
JM Francos, A Narasimhan, JW Woods
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 4 (12), 1655-1666, 1995
Bounds for estimation of multicomponent signals with random amplitude and deterministic phase
JM Francos, B Friedlander
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43 (5), 1161-1172, 1995
An estimation algorithm for 2-D polynomial phase signals
B Friedlander, JM Francos
IEEE transactions on image processing 5 (6), 1084-1087, 1996
Texture coding using a Wold decomposition model
R Sriram, JM Francos, WA Pearlman
IEEE transactions on Image Processing 5 (9), 1382-1386, 1996
A Wold-like decomposition of two-dimensional discrete homogeneous random fields
JM Francos, AZ Meiri, B Porat
The Annals of Applied Probability, 248-260, 1995
Bounds for estimation of complex exponentials in unknown colored noise
JM Francos, B Friedlander
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 43 (9), 2176-2185, 1995
Two-dimensional polynomial phase signals: Parameter estimation and bounds
JM Francos, B Friedlander
Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 9, 173-205, 1998
Parametric estimation of affine transformations: An exact linear solution
R Hagege, JM Francos
Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 37, 1-16, 2010
7 Orthogonal decompositions of 2D random fields and their applications for 2D spectral estimation
JM Francos
Handbook of Statistics 10, 207-227, 1993
The two-dimensional wold decomposition for segmentation and indexing in image libraries
R Stoica, J Zerubia, JM Francos
Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 1998
Parameter estimation of 2-D random amplitude polynomial-phase signals
JM Francos, B Friedlander
IEEE transactions on signal processing 47 (7), 1795-1810, 2002
Parametric estimation of affine deformations of binary images
C Domokos, Z Kato, JM Francos
2008 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2008
Maximum-likelihood parameter estimation of discrete homogeneous random fields with mixed spectral distributions
JM Francos, A Narasimhan, JW Woods
IEEE transactions on signal processing 44 (5), 1242-1255, 1996
Estimation of multidimensional homeomorphisms for object recognition in noisy environments
JM Francos, R Hagege, B Friedlander
The Thrity-Seventh Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 2003 …, 2003
Parameter estimation of two-dimensional moving average random fields
JM Francos, B Friedlander
IEEE transactions on signal processing 46 (8), 2157-2165, 1998
An order fitting rule for optimal subspace averaging
I Santamaría, LL Scharf, C Peterson, M Kirby, J Francos
2016 IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), 1-4, 2016
Image retrieval and indexing: A hierarchical approach in computing the distance between textured images
R Stoica, J Zerubia, JM Francos
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998
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Articles 1–20