David Summers
David Summers
Research Fellow, UniSA Business, The University of South Australia
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Cited by
Visible near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy as a predictive indicator of soil properties
D Summers, M Lewis, B Ostendorf, D Chittleborough
Ecological Indicators 11 (1), 123-131, 2011
Species vulnerability to climate change: impacts on spatial conservation priorities and species representation
DM Summers, BA Bryan, ND Crossman, WS Meyer
Global Change Biology 18 (7), 2335-2348, 2012
Carbon payments and low‐cost conservation
ND Crossman, BA Bryan, DM Summers
Conservation Biology 25 (4), 835-845, 2011
Identifying priority areas for reducing species vulnerability to climate change
ND Crossman, BA Bryan, DM Summers
Diversity and Distributions 18 (1), 60-72, 2012
Supply of carbon sequestration and biodiversity services from Australia's agricultural land under global change
BA Bryan, M Nolan, TD Harwood, JD Connor, J Navarro-Garcia, D King, ...
Global Environmental Change 28, 166-181, 2014
Reconfiguring an irrigation landscape to improve provision of ecosystem services
ND Crossman, JD Connor, BA Bryan, DM Summers, J Ginnivan
Ecological economics 69 (5), 1031-1042, 2010
The value of public and private green spaces under water restrictions
DH MacDonald, ND Crossman, P Mahmoudi, LO Taylor, DM Summers, ...
Landscape and Urban Planning 95 (4), 192-200, 2010
An environmental assessment and risk map of Ascaris lumbricoides and Necator americanus distributions in Manufahi District, Timor-Leste
R Wardell, ACA Clements, A Lal, D Summers, S Llewellyn, SJ Campbell, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 11 (5), e0005565, 2017
The costs of reforestation: a spatial model of the costs of establishing environmental and carbon plantings
DM Summers, BA Bryan, M Nolan, TJ Hobbs
Land Use Policy 44, 110-121, 2015
Severity of salinity accurately detected and classified on a paddock scale with high resolution multispectral satellite imagery
R Setia, M Lewis, P Marschner, R Raja Segaran, D Summers, ...
Land Degradation & Development 24 (4), 375-384, 2013
Self-sufficiency through urban agriculture: Nice idea or plausible reality?
IV Hume, DM Summers, TR Cavagnaro
Sustainable Cities and Society 68, 102770, 2021
Space matters: the importance of amenity in planning metropolitan growth
P Mahmoudi, D Hatton MacDonald, ND Crossman, DM Summers, ...
Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 57 (1), 38-59, 2013
The second industrial transformation of Australian landscapes
BA Bryan, WS Meyer, CA Campbell, GP Harris, T Lefroy, G Lyle, P Martin, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (3-4), 278-287, 2013
Future climate impacts on forest growth and implications for carbon sequestration through reforestation in southeast Australia
B Wang, C Waters, MR Anwar, A Cowie, D Li Liu, D Summers, K Paul, ...
Journal of environmental management 302, 113964, 2022
The influence of crediting and permanence periods on Australian forest-based carbon offset supply
CM Regan, JD Connor, DM Summers, C Settre, PJ O’Connor, ...
Land Use Policy 97, 104800, 2020
Simple models for managing complex social–ecological systems: the landscape futures analysis tool (LFAT)
DM Summers, BA Bryan, WS Meyer, G Lyle, S Wells, J McLean, T Moon, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 63, 217-229, 2015
Regional engagement and spatial modelling for natural resource management planning
WS Meyer, BA Bryan, DM Summers, G Lyle, S Wells, J McLean, ...
Sustainability Science 11, 733-747, 2016
Discriminating and mapping soil variability with hyperspectral reflectance data.
D Summers
Current carbon prices do not stack up to much land use change, despite bundled ecosystem service co‐benefits
DM Summers, CM Regan, C Settre, JD Connor, P O’Connor, H Abbott, ...
Global Change Biology 27 (12), 2744-2762, 2021
Sensitivity analysis in economic evaluation of payments for water and carbon ecosystem services
JD Connor, D Summers, C Regan, H Abbott, L Van Der Linden, ...
Ecosystem Services 54, 101416, 2022
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Articles 1–20