Articles with public access mandates - Janos LendvaiLearn more
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Microstructure evolution during cold rolling in a nanocrystalline Ni–Fe alloy determined by synchrotron X-ray diffraction
L Li, T Ungár, YD Wang, JR Morris, G Tichy, J Lendvai, YL Yang, Y Ren, ...
Acta materialia 57 (17), 4988-5000, 2009
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Microstructures and transition from brittle to ductile behavior of NiFeCrMoW high entropy alloys
Á Vida, NQ Chinh, J Lendvai, A Heczel, LK Varga
Materials Letters 195, 14-17, 2017
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Precipitation in Al–Zn–Mg–(Cu, Zr) Alloys
NQ Chinh, Z Kovács, L Reich, F Székely, J Illy, J Lendvai
International Journal of Materials Research 88 (8), 607-611, 2021
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Formation of nanocrystalline phases during decomposition of amorphous Ni–P alloys by continuous linear heating
Á Révész, J Lendvai, Á Cziráki, HH Liebermann, I Bakonyi
International Journal of Materials Research 92 (5), 483-488, 2022
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Ideal elasto-plastic behavior in torsional deformation of Zr44Ti11Cu10Ni10Be25 bulk metallic glass
Z Kovács, LS Tóth, J Lendvai
Journal of alloys and compounds 542, 85-89, 2012
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Stages in room temperature torsional deformation of a Vitreloy bulk metallic glass
M Ezzeldien, Z Kovács, J Lendvai, F Chmelík, K Máthis
Journal of alloys and compounds 577, 25-29, 2013
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Early stages of nucleation and growth of Guinier–Preston zones in Al–Zn–Mg and Al–Zn–Mg–Cu alloys
P Kenesei, G Horváth, S Bernstorff, T Ungár, J Lendvai
International Journal of Materials Research 97 (3), 315-320, 2022
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Structure and thermal stability of a melt-quenched single-phase nanocrystalline Hf61Fe39 alloy
Á Révész, Á Cziráki, A Lovas, J Pádár, J Lendvai, I Bakonyi
International Journal of Materials Research 96 (8), 874-878, 2022
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Nanoindentation measurements on a torsionally deformed Zr44Ti11Cu10Ni10Be25 bulk metallic glass
Z Kovács, M Ezzeldien, NQ Chinh, G Radnóczi, J Lendvai
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 708, 301-307, 2017
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
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Developing a strategy for the processing of age-hardenable alloys by ECAP at room temperature
NQ Chinh, J Gubicza, T Czeppe, J Lendvai, C Xu, RZ Valiev, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 516 (1-2), 248-252, 2009
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
In situ synchrotron tomographic investigation of the solidification of an AlMg4. 7Si8 alloy
D Tolnai, P Townsend, G Requena, L Salvo, J Lendvai, HP Degischer
Acta materialia 60 (6-7), 2568-2577, 2012
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Modification of the Hall-Petch relationship for submicron-grained fcc metals
NQ Chinh, D Olasz, AQ Ahmed, G Sáfrán, J Lendvai, TG Langdon
Materials Science and Engineering: A 862, 144419, 2023
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, European Commission, National Office for …
Effect of solution heat treatment on the internal architecture and compressive strength of an AlMg4. 7Si8 alloy
D Tolnai, G Requena, P Cloetens, J Lendvai, HP Degischer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 585, 480-487, 2013
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
The influence of artificial aging on the microstructure and hardness of an Al–Zn–Mg–Zr alloy processed by equal-channel angular pressing
J Gubicza, JL Lábár, J Lendvai, NQ Chinh
Journal of materials science 54 (15), 10918-10928, 2019
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Sub-micrometre holotomographic characterisation of the effects of solution heat treatment on an AlMg7. 3Si3. 5 alloy
D Tolnai, G Requena, P Cloetens, J Lendvai, HP Degischer
Materials Science and Engineering: A 550, 214-221, 2012
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Statistical analysis of acoustic emission events in torsional deformation of a Vitreloy bulk metallic glass
Z Kovács, M Ezzeldien, K Máthis, P Ispánovity, F Chmelík, J Lendvai
Acta materialia 70, 113-122, 2014
Mandates: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, European …
Effect of Zn content on microstructure evolution in Al–Zn alloys processed by high-pressure torsion
AQ Ahmed, D Ugi, J Lendvai, MY Murashkin, EV Bobruk, RZ Valiev, ...
Journal of Materials Research 38 (14), 3602-3612, 2023
Mandates: National Office for Research, Development and Innovation, Hungary
Possible self-organized criticality in the Portevin–Le Chatelier effect during decomposition of solid solution alloys
NQ Chinh, T Győri, J Gubicza, J Lendvai, TG Langdon
MRS Communications 2 (1), 1-4, 2012
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Characterization of phases in an Al casting alloy by synchrotron tomography
D Tolnai, HP Degischer, J Lendvai
physica status solidi (a) 206 (8), 1850-1854, 2009
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Processing age-hardenable alloys by equal-channel angular pressing at room temperature: strategies and advantages
QC Nguyen, J Gubicza, T Czeppe, J Lendvai, TG Langdon
Materials Science Forum 633, 527-534, 2010
Mandates: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
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