Craig Gin
Cited by
Cited by
DeepGreen: deep learning of Green’s functions for nonlinear boundary value problems
CR Gin, DE Shea, SL Brunton, JN Kutz
Scientific reports 11 (1), 21614, 2021
Deep learning models for global coordinate transformations that linearise PDEs
C Gin, B Lusch, SL Brunton, JN Kutz
European Journal of Applied Mathematics 32 (3), 515-539, 2021
Stability results for multi-layer radial Hele-Shaw and porous media flows
C Gin, P Daripa
Physics of Fluids 27 (1), 2015
Meta-analysis reveals the vaginal microbiome is a better predictor of earlier than later preterm birth
C Huang, C Gin, J Fettweis, B Foxman, B Gelaye, DA MacIntyre, ...
BMC biology 21 (1), 199, 2023
Studies on dispersive stabilization of porous media flows
P Daripa, C Gin
Physics of Fluids 28 (8), 2016
Particle dispersion in homogeneous turbulence using the one-dimensional turbulence model
G Sun, DO Lignell, JC Hewson, CR Gin
Physics of Fluids 26 (10), 2014
Time-dependent injection strategies for multilayer Hele-Shaw and porous media flows
C Gin, P Daripa
Physical Review Fluids 6 (3), 033901, 2021
A study of a non-standard eigenvalue problem and its application to three-layer immiscible porous media and hele-shaw flows with exponential viscous profile
C Gin, P Daripa
Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 17, 155-181, 2015
Stability results on radial porous media and Hele-Shaw flows with variable viscosity between two moving interfaces
C Gin, P Daripa
IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 86 (2), 294-319, 2021
Pseudo-pac site sequences used by phage P22 in generalized transduction of Salmonella
JL Maier, C Gin, B Callahan, EK Sheriff, BA Duerkop, M Kleiner
PLoS Pathogens 20 (6), e1012301, 2024
Topics in stability analysis of multi-layer Hele-Shaw and porous media flows
CR Gin
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Articles 1–11