Agnieszka Golec de Zavala
Agnieszka Golec de Zavala
Department of Psychology, Goldsmiths, University of London
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Collective narcissism and its social consequences.
A Golec de Zavala, A Cichocka, R Eidelson, N Jayawickreme
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 97 (6), 1074, 2009
Does self-love or self-hate predict conspiracy beliefs? Narcissism, self-esteem, and the endorsement of conspiracy theories
A Cichocka, M Marchlewska, AG De Zavala
Social Psychological and Personality Science 7 (2), 157-166, 2016
‘They will not control us’: Ingroup positivity and belief in intergroup conspiracies
A Cichocka, M Marchlewska, A Golec de Zavala, M Olechowski
British journal of psychology 107 (3), 556-576, 2016
Collective narcissism and anti-Semitism in Poland
A Golec de Zavala, A Cichocka
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 15 (2), 213-229, 2012
The paradox of in-group love: Differentiating collective narcissism advances understanding of the relationship between in-group and out-group attitudes
A Golec de Zavala, A Cichocka, M Bilewicz
Journal of Personality 81 (1), 16-28, 2013
The relationship between the need for closure and support for military action against Iraq: Moderating effects of national attachment
CM Federico, A Golec, JL Dial
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 31 (5), 621-632, 2005
Collective narcissism: Political consequences of investing self‐worth in the ingroup’s image
A Golec de Zavala, K Dyduch‐Hazar, D Lantos
Political Psychology 40, 37-74, 2019
Collective narcissism moderates the effect of in-group image threat on intergroup hostility.
A Golec de Zavala, A Cichocka, I Iskra-Golec
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 104 (6), 1019, 2013
The relationship between the Brexit vote and individual predictors of prejudice: collective narcissism, right wing authoritarianism and social dominance orientation.
C Golec de Zavala, A., Guerra, R, Simão
Frontiers of Psychology, 2017
Political conservatism, need for cognitive closure, and intergroup hostility
A Golec de Zavala, A Cislak, E Wesolowska
Political Psychology 31 (4), 521-541, 2010
Collective Narcissism Predicts Hypersensitivity to In-group Insult and Direct and Indirect Retaliatory Intergroup Hostility. European Journal of Personality, 30, 532–551 DOI …
T Golec de Zavala, A., Peker, M., Guerra, R. & Baran
European Journal of Personality 30, 532-551, 2016
Collective narcissism and its social consequences: The bad and the ugly
A Golec de Zavala, D Lantos
Current Directions in Psychological Science 29 (3), 273-278, 2020
Low self-esteem predicts out-group derogation via collective narcissism, but this relationship is obscured by in-group satisfaction
A Golec de Zavala, CM Federico, C Sedikides, R Guerra, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019
Collective narcissism and the growth of conspiracy thinking over the course of the 2016 United States presidential election: A longitudinal analysis
A Golec de Zavala, CM Federico
European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (7), 1011-1018, 2018
Understanding responses to political conflict: interactive effects of the need for closure and salient conflict schemas.
A Golec, CM Federico
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 87 (6), 750, 2004
Collective Narcissism and Intergroup Hostility: The Dark Side of ‘In‐Group Love’
A Golec de Zavala
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 5 (6), 309-320, 2011
Personal control decreases narcissistic but increases non-narcissistic in-group positivity.
M Cichocka, A., Golec de Zavala, A., Marchlewska, M., Bilewicz, M., Jaworska ...
Journal of Personality, 2017
Collective narcissism and the 2016 US presidential vote
CM Federico, AG De Zavala
Public Opinion Quarterly 82 (1), 110-121, 2018
Superficial ingroup love? Collective narcissism predicts ingroup image defense, outgroup prejudice, and lower ingroup loyalty
M Marchlewska, A Cichocka, M Jaworska, A Golec de Zavala, M Bilewicz
British Journal of Social Psychology 59 (4), 857-875, 2020
Need for cognitive closure and political conservatism: Studies on the nature of the relationship.
A Golec
Polish Psychological Bulletin 33 (4), 5-12, 2002
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Articles 1–20