Rainara Maia Carvalho
Cited by
Cited by
What Changes from Ubiquitous Computing to Internet of Things in Interaction Evaluation?
RMC Andrade, RM Carvalho, IL de Araújo, KM Oliveira, MEF Maia
International Conference on Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions …, 2017
Quality characteristics and measures for human–computer interaction evaluation in ubiquitous systems
RM Carvalho, RM de Castro Andrade, KM de Oliveira, I de Sousa Santos, ...
Software Quality Journal, 1-53, 2016
AQUArIUM - A Suite of Software Measures for HCI Quality Evaluation of Ubiquitous Mobile Applications
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, KM de Oliveira
Journal of Systems and Software, 2018
A quality model for human-computer interaction evaluation in ubiquitous systems
RM Santos, KM de Oliveira, RMC Andrade, IS Santos, ER Lima
Latin American conference on human computer interaction, 63-70, 2013
Challenges for usability testing in ubiquitous systems
C Bezerra, R Andrade, RM Santos, M Abed, KM de Oliveira, JM Monteiro, ...
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 183-188, 2014
Dealing with Conflicts Between Non-functional Requirements of UbiComp and IoT Applications
RM Carvalho
2017 IEEE 25th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 544-549, 2017
Using the GQM Method to Evaluate Calmness in Ubiquitous Applications
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, KM Oliveira
International Conference on Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions …, 2015
Towards a catalog of conflicts for HCI quality characteristics in UbiComp and IoT applications: Process and first results
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, KM de Oliveira
2018 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information …, 2018
Catalog of Invisibility Requirements for UbiComp and IoT Applications
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade¹, KM Oliveira, C Kolski
26th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2018
Evaluating an IoT application using software measures
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, J Barbosa, AM Maia, BA Junior, PA Aguilar, ...
International Conference on Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions …, 2017
How developers believe Invisibility impacts NFRs related to User Interaction
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, KM Oliveira
2020 IEEE 28th International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 102-112, 2020
Evaluation of Non-Functional Requirements for IoT Applications
JOV Paiva, RMC Andrade, RM Carvalho
What About Catalogs of Non-Functional Requirements?
RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade, V Lelli, EG Silva, KM de Oliveira
Joint Proceedings of REFSQ-2020 Workshops, Doctoral Symposium, Live Studies …, 2020
Recommendations for usability testing in ubiquitous applications
FL Siewerdt, RM Carvalho, RMC Andrade
Proceedings of the 15th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing …, 2016
Quando a tecnologia apoia a mobilidade urbana: Uma avaliação sobre a experiência do usuário com aplicações móveis
RLA Almeida, LBM Mesquita, RM Carvalho, BRA Junior, RMC Andrade
Proceedings of the XV Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer …, 2016
Quando a Tecnologia apoia a Mobilidade Urbana: Uma Avaliação sobre a Experiência do Usuário com Aplicações Móveis (Competição de Avaliação-POSGRAD)
RLA Almeida, LB Mesquita, RM Carvalho, BRA Junior, RMC Andrade
Uma metodologia para o ensino teórico e prático da engenharia de software
RMC Andrade, IS Santos, IL Araújo, RM Carvalho
Fórum de Educação em Engenharia de Software (FEES). In VI Congresso …, 2015
Análise do contexto móvel nos testes de usabilidade de aplicações móveis
RM Santos
Correlate & lead: process and catalog of non-functional requirements correlations in ubicomp and iot systems
RM Carvalho
Machine Learning and Location Fingerprinting to Improve UX in a Ubiquitous Application
RM Carvalho, IS Santos, RG Meira, PA Aguilar, RMC Andrade
International Conference on Distributed, Ambient, and Pervasive Interactions …, 2016
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Articles 1–20