Aaron Chalfin
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Cited by
Criminal deterrence: A review of the literature
A Chalfin, J McCrary
Journal of Economic Literature 55 (1), 5-48, 2017
Are US cities underpoliced? Theory and evidence
A Chalfin, J McCrary
Review of Economics and Statistics 100 (1), 167-186, 2018
Productivity and selection of human capital with machine learning
A Chalfin, O Danieli, A Hillis, Z Jelveh, M Luca, J Ludwig, S Mullainathan
American Economic Review 106 (5), 124-127, 2016
Fear of walking outdoors: a multilevel ecologic analysis of crime and disorder
CG Roman, A Chalfin
American journal of preventive medicine 34 (4), 306-312, 2008
Can rational choice be considered a general theory of crime? Evidence from individual‐level panel data
TA Loughran, R Paternoster, A Chalfin, T Wilson
Criminology 54 (1), 86-112, 2016
Reducing crime through environmental design: Evidence from a randomized experiment of street lighting in New York City
A Chalfin, B Hansen, J Lerner, L Parker
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 1-31, 2022
Economic costs of crime
A Chalfin
The encyclopedia of crime and punishment, 1-12, 2015
Police force size and civilian race
A Chalfin, B Hansen, EK Weisburst, MC Williams Jr
American Economic Review: Insights 4 (2), 139-158, 2022
Immigration enforcement, policing, and crime: Evidence from the secure communities program
E Treyger, A Chalfin, C Loeffler
Criminology & Public Policy 13 (2), 285-322, 2014
What is the contribution of Mexican immigration to US crime rates? Evidence from rainfall shocks in Mexico
A Chalfin
American Law and Economics Review 16 (1), 220-268, 2014
The relation of the perceived environment to fear, physical activity, and health in public housing developments: evidence from Chicago
CG Roman, CR Knight, A Chalfin, SJ Popkin
Journal of public health policy 30, S286-S308, 2009
The DNA field experiment: a randomized trial of the cost-effectiveness of using DNA to solve property crimes
JK Roman, SE Reid, AJ Chalfin, CR Knight
Journal of Experimental Criminology 5, 345-369, 2009
The long-run effect of Mexican immigration on crime in US cities: Evidence from variation in Mexican fertility rates
A Chalfin
American Economic Review 105 (5), 220-225, 2015
What do panel studies tell us about a deterrent effect of capital punishment? A critique of the literature
A Chalfin, AM Haviland, S Raphael
Journal of Quantitative Criminology 29, 5-43, 2013
The intergenerational effects of education on delinquency
A Chalfin, M Deza
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 159, 553-571, 2019
Estimating the crime effects of raising the age of majority: Evidence from Connecticut
CE Loeffler, A Chalfin
Criminology & Public Policy 16 (1), 45-71, 2017
Can precision policing reduce gun violence? evidence from “gang takedowns” in new york city
A Chalfin, M LaForest, J Kaplan
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 40 (4), 1047-1082, 2021
How many complaints against police officers can be abated by incapacitating a few “bad apples?”
A Chalfin, J Kaplan
Criminology & Public Policy 20 (2), 351-370, 2021
Reassessing the cost of the death penalty using quasi-experimental methods: Evidence from Maryland
JK Roman, AJ Chalfin, CR Knight
American law and economics review 11 (2), 530-574, 2009
Street light outages, public safety and crime displacement: Evidence from Chicago
A Chalfin, J Kaplan, M LaForest
Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2020
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Articles 1–20