Desy Maria Helena Mantiri
Cited by
Cited by
The biodiversity of macroalgae in the coastal waters of Tongkaina, Manado City
RC Kepel, DMH Mantiri, Nasprianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Platax 6 (1), 160-173, 2018
Nature and Metabolism of Carotenoids Pigments during the Embryogenesis of the European Lobster Homarus gammarus
DMH Mantiri, ...
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology--Part A: Physiology 3 (115), 237-241, 1996
Biodiversity of Macroalgae in Coastal Waters of Blongko, Sinonsayang Subdistrict, South Minahasa Regency
RC Kepel, DMH Mantiri, A Rumengan, Nasprianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Platax 6 (1), 174-187, 2018
Evolution of carotenoid metabolic capabilities during the early development of the European lobster Homarus gammarus (Linne, 1758)
DMH Mantiri, G Nègre-Sadargues, R Castillo, JP Trilles
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular …, 1995
Biodiversity and community structure of seaweeds in Minahasa Peninsula, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
RC Kepel, LJL Lumingas, JL Tombokan, DMH Mantiri
AACL Bioflux 12 (3), 880, 2019
Carbon stock assessment of mangrove ecosystem in totok bay, southeast minahasa regency, north sulawesi, indonesia
AP Rumengan, DMH Mantiri, R Rompas, A Hutahaean, TL Kepel, ...
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 11 (4), 1280-1288, 2018
Community structure of seaweeds along the intertidal zone of Mantehage Island, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
RC Kepel, LJL Lumingas, PMM Watung, DMH Mantiri
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 12 (1), 87-101, 2019
Arsenic content, cell structure, and pigment of Ulva sp. from Totok Bay and Blongko waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
RC Kepel, DMH Mantiri, DSJ Paransa, JJH Paulus, N Nasprianto, ...
Metals in seawater, sediment and Padina australis (Hauck, 1887) algae in the waters of North Sulawesi
DMH Mantiri, RC Kepel, H Manoppo, JJH Paulus, DSJ Paransa
Bioflux Publishing, 2019
Identifikasi morfologi dan keanekaragaman kepiting pada timbunan berbatu di Pantai Pesisir Malalayang Dua Kota Manado
F Amin, DSJ Paransa, M Ompi, DMH Mantiri, FB Boneka, O Kalesaran
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 9 (3), 123-132, 2021
Community structure of seaweeds in dry season in Minahasa Peninsula, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
RC Kepel, LJL Lumingas, JL Tombokan, DMH Mantiri
AACL Bioflux 13 (1), 392-402, 2020
Analisis logam berat timbal (Pb) pada akar mangrove di Desa Bahowo dan Desa Talawaan Bajo Kecamatan Tongkaina
T Sanadi, J Schaduw, S Tilaar, D Mantiri, R Bara, W Pelle
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 6 (2), 9-18, 2018
Heavy Metal Content, Cell Structure, and Pigment of Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) JV Lamouroux from Totok Bay and Blongko Waters, North Sulawesi, Indonesia, Eco
DMH Mantiri, RC Kepel, BT Wagey, Nasprianto
Ecology Environment. & Conservation 24 (3), 54-62, 2018
Biodiversitas Makroalga di Perairan Pesisir Kora-Kora, Kecamatan Lembean Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa
RC Kepel, DMH Mantiri
Jurnal Ilmiah Platax 7 (2), 49-59, 2019
Karakteristik Dan Potensi Perairan Sebagai Pendukung Pertumbuhan Lamun Di Perairan Teluk Buyat Dan Teluk Ratatotok, Sulawesi Utara (the Characteristics and Potential of Water …
RNA Ati, TL Kepel, MA Kusumaningtyas, DMH Mantiri, AA Hutahaean
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan 23 (3), 342-348, 2016
Identification of pigment profiles and antioxidant activity of Rhizophora mucronata mangrove leaves origin Lembeh, North Sulawesi, Indonesia
AP Rumengan, ES Mandiangan, WA Tanod, DSJ Paransa, CP Paruntu, ...
Smujo, 2021
Cadangan karbon ekosistem mangrove di Sulawesi Utara dan implikasinya pada aksi mitigasi Perubahan iklim
TL Kepel, RNA Ati, A Rustam, YP Rahayu, MA Kusumaningtyas, A Daulat, ...
Jurnal Kelautan Nasional 14 (2), 87-94, 2019
Pemisahan pigmen pada mikroalga Dunaliella salina yang telah diberi senyawa timbal asetat
G Balaira, K Kemer, D Mantiri
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 1 (1), 41-49, 2017
Distribusi Karbon Di Beberapa Perairan Sulawesi Utara (Carbon Distribution in North Sulawesi Waters)
Nasprianto, DMH Mantiri, TL Kepel, RNA Ati, A Hutahaean
Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan 23 (1), 34-41, 2016
Uji aktivitas antibakteri spons Plakortis sp. yang dikoleksi dari perairan Bunaken
A Pasodung, F Losung, E Angkouw, R Lintang, D Mantiri, D Sumilat
Jurnal Pesisir dan Laut Tropis 6 (1), 44-51, 2018
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Articles 1–20