Bruno Stevant
Bruno Stevant
Research and Teaching Assistant, IMT Atlantique / IRISA / Institut Mines Telecom
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Cited by
Cited by
Achieving “always best connected” through extensive profile management
L Suciu, JM Bonnin, K Guillouard, B Stévant
Personal Wireless Communications: IFIP TC6 9th International Conference, PWC …, 2004
Towards highly adaptable user-centric terminal architecture
L Suciu, JM Bonnin, B Stévant, K Guillouard
WPMC 2004: 7th international symposium on wireless personal multimedia …, 2004
Softwire Hub and Spoke Deployment Framework with Layer Two Tunneling Protocol Version 2 (L2TPv2)
B Storer, C Pignataro, M Dos Santos, B Stévant, L Toutain, J Tremblay
Optimizing the performance of a microservice-based application deployed on user-provided devices
B Stévant, JL Pazat, A Blanc
2018 17th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing …, 2018
Accounting on Softwires
B Stevant
draft-stevant-softwire-accounting-01 (work in progress), 2006
QoS-aware autonomic adaptation of microservices placement on edge devices
B Stévant, JL Pazat, A Blanc
CLOSER 2020: 10th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services …, 2020
The zewall project: Real-time delivering of events via portable devices
U Mir, H Wehbe, L Nuaymi, A Moriceau, B Stevant
2013 IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2013
Synchronization mechanisms for live video-context transmission service
H Wehbe, A Bouabdallah, B Stevant
2012 Sixth International Conference on Next Generation Mobile Applications …, 2012
Analysis of synchronization issues for live video-context transmission service
H Wehbe, A Bouabdallah, B Stevant, U Mir
2013 IEEE 10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), 203-209, 2013
Vers une infrastructure participative d'hébergement de services à destination des communautés virtuelles: Orchestration dynamique de micro-services selon les conditions d …
B Stévant
INSA de Rennes, 2022
Séquence 4:" L'intégration d'IPv6 dans l'Internet"
B Stévant, J Landru, JP Rioual, V Vèque, P Anelli
Document compagnon du MOOC 0bjectif IPv6-Edition 7, 78, 2022
Vers une plate-forme communautaire d'hébergement à base de micro-services collaboratifs
B Stévant, JL Pazat, A Blanc
COMPAS 2017-Conférence d’informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, 2017
Uplink transfer of live video synchronized with multiple contextual data
A Bouabdallah, H Wehbe, B Stevant
Media Synchronization Workshop 2012, 2012
Towards a participatory cloud infrastructure for hosting services: QoS-aware dynamic orchestration of microservices
B Stévant, JL Pazat, A Blanc
2024 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Real-Time Distributed Computing …, 2024
Séquence 2:" Le protocole IPv6"
B Stévant, J Landru, JP Rioual, V Vèque, P Anelli
Document compagnon du MOOC 0bjectif IPv6-Edition 7, 77, 2022
Séquence 3:" Les mécanismes de gestion d'un réseau IPv6"
B Stévant, J Landru, JP Rioual, V Vèque, P Anelli
Document compagnon du MOOC 0bjectif IPv6-Edition 7, 128, 2022
Séquence 0:" Internet"
B Stévant, J Landru, JP Rioual, V Vèque, P Anelli
Document compagnon du MOOC 0bjectif IPv6-Edition 7, 38, 2022
Séquence 1:" Les adresses IPv6"
B Stévant, J Landru, JP Rioual, V Vèque, P Anelli
Document compagnon du MOOC 0bjectif IPv6-Edition 7, 81, 2022
The Zewall Project: Real-Time Broadcasting of Events via Portable Devices
U Mir, H Wehbe, L Nuaymi, A Moriceau, B Stévant
VTC Spring 2013: IEEE 77th Vehicular Technology Conference, 1-5, 2013
Softwires Working Group B. Storer, Ed. Internet-Draft C. Pignataro, Ed. Intended status: Standards Track M. Dos Santos Expires: August 18, 2007 Cisco Systems
J Tremblay, B Stevant
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Articles 1–20