Mikhail Sizintsev
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient action spotting based on a spacetime oriented structure representation
KG Derpanis, M Sizintsev, K Cannons, RP Wildes
2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2010
Biofeedback Virtual Reality Sleep Assistant
M De Zambotti, IM Colrain, FC Baker, R Kumar, M Sizintsev, ...
US Patent App. 14/254,348, 2014
Augmented reality vision system for tracking and geolocating objects of interest
S Samarasekera, T Oskiper, R Kumar, M Sizintsev, V Branzoi
US Patent 9,495,783, 2016
Action spotting and recognition based on a spatiotemporal orientation analysis
KG Derpanis, M Sizintsev, KJ Cannons, RP Wildes
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 35 (3), 527-540, 2012
Coarse-to-fine stereo vision with accurate 3D boundaries
M Sizintsev, RP Wildes
Image and Vision Computing 28 (3), 352-366, 2010
Histogram-based search: A comparative study
M Sizintsev, KG Derpanis, A Hogue
2008 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2008
Pre-attentive and attentive detection of humans in wide-field scenes
JH Elder, SJD Prince, Y Hou, M Sizintsev, E Olevskiy
International Journal of Computer Vision 72, 47-66, 2007
Augmented Reality binoculars
T Oskiper, M Sizintsev, V Branzoi, S Samarasekera, R Kumar
Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on …, 2013
Spatiotemporal stereo via spatiotemporal quadric element (stequel) matching
M Sizintsev, RP Wildes
2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 493-500, 2009
Spatiotemporal stereo and scene flow via stequel matching
M Sizintsev, RP Wildes
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 34 (6), 1206-1219, 2011
GPU accelerated realtime stereo for augmented reality
M Sizintsev, S Kuthirummal, S Samarasekera, R Kumar, HS Sawhney, ...
Proc. Intl. Symp. 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission (3DPVT), 2010
Reducing bedtime physiological arousal levels using immersive audio-visual respiratory bio-feedback: a pilot study in women with insomnia symptoms
M de Zambotti, M Sizintsev, S Claudatos, G Barresi, IM Colrain, FC Baker
Journal of behavioral medicine 42, 973-983, 2019
System and method of processing stereo images
M Sizintsev, S Kuthirummal, R Kumar, S Samarasekera, HS Sawhney
US Patent 8,385,630, 2013
AR-Weapon: live augmented reality based first-person shooting system
Z Zhu, V Branzoi, M Sizintsev, N Vitovitch, T Oskiper, R Villamil, ...
2015 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, 618-625, 2015
Pre-Attentive Face Detection for Foveated Wide-Field Surveillance.
S Prince, JH Elder, Y Hou, M Sizintsev
WACV/MOTION, 439-446, 2005
Fast scale-space feature representations by generalized integral images
KG Derpanis, ETH Leung, M Sizintsev
2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 4, IV-521-IV-524, 2007
Hierarchical stereo with thin structures and transparency
M Sizintsev
2008 Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision, 97-104, 2008
Efficient Stereo with Accurate 3-D Boundaries.
M Sizintsev, RP Wildes
BMVC, 237-246, 2006
Computer aided inspection system and methods
G Salgian, BC Matei, T Oskiper, M Sizintsev, R Kumar, S Samarasekera
US Patent 11,270,426, 2022
Spacetime stereo and 3D flow via binocular spatiotemporal orientation analysis
M Sizintsev, RP Wildes
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 36 (11), 2241 …, 2014
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Articles 1–20