Juyeon Kim 김주연
Juyeon Kim 김주연
Professor, Department of Urban Sociology, University of Seoul 서울시립대학교
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Social function and cognitive status: Results from a US nationally representative survey of older adults
AA Kotwal, J Kim, L Waite, W Dale
Journal of general internal medicine 31, 854-862, 2016
Assessment of social network change in a national longitudinal survey
B Cornwell, LP Schumm, EO Laumann, J Kim, YJ Kim
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2014
Relationship quality and shared activity in marital and cohabiting dyads in the National Social Life, Health, and Aging Project, Wave 2
J Kim, LJ Waite
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2014
Missing data in Wave 2 of NSHAP: Prevalence, predictors, and recommended treatment
LC Hawkley, M Kocherginsky, J Wong, J Kim, KA Cagney
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2014
Complex households and the distribution of multiple resources in later life: Findings from a national survey
J Kim, LJ Waite
Research on Aging 38 (2), 150-177, 2016
The role of health insurance in mental health care for young adults
J Lee, J Kim
Applied Economics 52 (42), 4577-4593, 2020
한국 노인의 사회적 연결망의 다양성과 인지기능 Social Network Diversity and Cognitive Function in Late Life
한국인구학 Korea Journal of Population Studies 40 (4), 1-24, 2017
가구형태와 인지기능: 고령자 1 인 가구와 시간의 상호작용 효과를 중심으로 Living Arrangements and Cognitive Function among Korean Older Adults
김주연, 이정택
조사연구 Survey Research 19 (1), 97-127, 2018
한국 노인의 가구형태와 가구 내 자원분포: 사회적, 정서적, 도구적, 경제적 자원을 중심으로: 사회적, 정서적, 도구적, 경제적 자원을 중심으로 Living Arrangements and the Distribution …
한국인구학 Korea Journal of Population Studies 40 (1), 1-28, 2017
Family Structure and Financial Well-Being
J Kim, LJ Waite
Lifecycle Events and Their Consequences: Job Loss, Family Change, and …, 2013
Social connectedness and cognitive function before and during COVID-19: a longitudinal study of Korean older adults with an instrumental variable regression
J Lee, J Kim
Psychiatry Investigation 20 (4), 325, 2023
Social Use of Streets by Older Adults
HB Seo, J Kim
Journal of asian sociology 51 (3), 249-278, 2022
은퇴와 건강 The Effect of Retirement on Health Behaviors, Mental Health and Subjective Health Status
이정택, 김주연
보건과 사회과학 Journal of Health and Social Science 47, 5-29, 2018
Age-Specific Changes in the Effects of Social Connectedness and Loneliness on Depressive Symptoms: Evidence From the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing Before and During the …
J Kim, J Lee
Psychiatry Investigation 21 (5), 475, 2024
Stress or buffer: the impact of social transnational ties on depressive mood and suicidal ideation among female marriage migrants in South Korea
SH Jang, J Kim
Journal of immigrant and minority health 25 (3), 596-607, 2023
세대별 나 홀로 쉼과 우울: 인지된 사회적 지지와 자발성 여부를 중심으로 Rest Alone and Depressive Symptoms across Age Groups: Focusing on Perceived Social Support and Voluntary …
강현욱, 김주연
보건과 사회과학 Journal of Health and Social Science, 51-82, 2022
누가, 언제 더 괴로운가?: 배우자 사별 전후 우울증상 성차의 종단연구 Who Suffers More and When?: A Longitudinal Study on Gender Differences in Depressive Symptoms due to Spousal …
유찬기, 김주연
한국노년학 Journal of the Korean Gerontological Society 42 (5), 1017-1036, 2022
Social contexts and health in late life: Living arrangements, social networks, resources, and health
J Kim
The University of Chicago, 2011
Support or Strain?: Transnational Social Ties and Deviant Behaviors Among Multicultural Adolescents in South Korea
SH Jang, H Song, J Kim
Deviant Behavior, 1-17, 2024
쉼 역량 척도의 개발 및 타당화 연구 Development and Validation of Rest Capability Scale
김주연, 이다예, 강현욱
한국인구학 Korea Journal of Population Studies 47 (3), 63-91, 2024
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Articles 1–20