Jenny Liu
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Cited by
Residual strength of hybrid-fiber-reinforced high-strength concrete after exposure to high temperatures
B Chen, J Liu
Cement and Concrete Research 34 (6), 1065-1069, 2004
Effect of coarse aggregate type on mechanical properties of high-performance concrete
KR Wu, B Chen, W Yao, D Zhang
Cement and concrete research 31 (10), 1421-1425, 2001
Contribution of hybrid fibers on the properties of the high-strength lightweight concrete having good workability
C the properties of the high-strength lightweight concrete having good ...
Cement and Concrete Research 35 (5), 913-917, 2005
Properties of lightweight expanded polystyrene concrete reinforced with steel fiber
B Chen, J Liu
Cement and Concrete Research 34 (7), 1259-1263, 2004
Effect of aggregate on the fracture behavior of high strength concrete
B Chen, J Liu
Construction and Building Materials 18 (8), 585-590, 2004
Mechanical properties of polymer-modified concretes containing expanded polystyrene beads
B Chen, J Liu
Construction and Building Materials 21 (1), 7-11, 2007
Damage in carbon fiber-reinforced concrete, monitored by both electrical resistance measurement and acoustic emission analysis
B Chen, J Liu
Construction and Building Materials 22 (11), 2196-2201, 2008
Experimental application of mineral admixtures in lightweight concrete with high strength and workability
B Chen, J Liu
Construction and Building Materials 22 (6), 1108-1113, 2008
Experimental study on AE characteristics of three-point-bending concrete beams
B Chen, J Liu
Cement and Concrete Research 34 (3), 391-397, 2004
Life cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from asphalt pavement maintenance: A case study in China
F Ma, W Dong, Z Fu, R Wang, Y Huang, J Liu
Journal of Cleaner Production 288, 125595, 2021
Laboratory evaluation of Sasobit-modified warm-mix asphalt for Alaskan conditions
J Liu, S Saboundjian, P Li, B Connor, B Brunette
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 23 (11), 1498-1505, 2011
Laboratory performance of warm mix asphalt binder containing polyphosphoric acid
J Liu, K Yan, L You, D Ge, Z Wang
Construction and Building Materials 106, 218-227, 2016
Low temperature performance of sasobit-modified warm-mix asphalt
J Liu, P Li
Journal of materials in civil engineering 24 (1), 57-63, 2012
Low Temperature Cracking Analysis of Asphalt Binders and Mixtures
J. Liu, S. Zhao, L. Li, P. Li, and S. Saboundjian
Cold Regions Science and Technology 141, 78-85, 2017
Electrical responses of carbon fiber reinforced cementitious composites to monotonic and cyclic loading
B Chen, J Liu, K Wu
Cement and concrete research 35 (11), 2183-2191, 2005
Modification of Webster’s minimum delay cycle length equation based on HCM 2000
DX Cheng, CJ Messer, ZZ Tian, J Liu
the 81st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board in Washington, DC, 2003
Investigation of effects of aggregate size on the fracture behavior of high performance concrete by acoustic emission
B Chen, J Liu
Construction and Building Materials 21 (8), 1696-1701, 2007
Prediction models of mixtures’ dynamic modulus using gene expression programming
J Liu, K Yan, L You, P Liu, K Yan
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 18 (11), 971-980, 2017
Effect of fibers on expansion of concrete with a large amount of high f-CaO fly ash
B Chen, J Liu
Cement and concrete research 33 (10), 1549-1552, 2003
Using artificial neural networks to predict the dynamic modulus of asphalt mixtures containing recycled asphalt shingles
J Liu, K Yan, J Liu, X Zhao
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (4), 04018051, 2018
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Articles 1–20