mohamed najim
mohamed najim
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Cited by
Estimation of frequencies and damping factors by two-dimensional ESPRIT type methods
S Rouquette, M Najim
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 49 (1), 237-245, 2001
A fast feedforward training algorithm using a modified form of the standard backpropagation algorithm
S Abid, F Fnaiech, M Najim
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 12 (2), 424-430, 2001
An efficient algorithm for computation of shape moments from run-length codes or chain codes
M Dai, P Baylou, M Najim
Pattern Recognition 25 (10), 1119-1128, 1992
Adaptive nonlinear filters for 2D and 3D image enhancement
S Guillon, P Baylou, M Najim, N Keskes
Signal processing 67 (3), 237-254, 1998
ECG Beat Detection Using a Geometrical Matching Approach
J Silva, K Suarez, Y Berthoumieu, P Gomis, M Najim
ECG beat detection using a geometrical matching approach
KV Suarez, JC Silva, Y Berthoumieu, P Gomis, M Najim
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54 (4), 641-650, 2007
Two-dimensional joint process lattice for adaptive restoration of images
H Youlal, M Janati, M Najim
IEEE transactions on image processing 1 (3), 366-378, 1992
Speech enhancement combining optimal smoothing and errors-in-variables identification of noisy AR processes
W Bobillet, R Diversi, E Grivel, R Guidorzi, M Najim, U Soverini
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (12), 5564-5578, 2007
Consistent estimation of autoregressive parameters from noisy observations based on two interacting Kalman filters
D Labarre, E Grivel, Y Berthoumieu, E Todini, M Najim
Signal Processing 86 (10), 2863-2876, 2006
Consistent estimation of autoregressive parameters from noisy observations based on two interacting Kalman filters Signal Processing
D Labarre, E Grivel, Y Berthoumieu, E Todini, M Najim
Modeling, estimation and optimal filtering in signal processing
M Najim
J. Wiley & Sons, 2008
Digital filters design for signal and image processing
M Najim
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Dual H infini Algorithms for Signal Processing, Application to Speech Enhancement
D Labarre, E Grivel, N Christov, M Najim
DualAlgorithms for Signal Processing— Application to Speech Enhancement
D Labarre, E Grivel, M Najim, N Christov
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 55 (11), 5195-5208, 2007
Modélisation et identification en traitement du signal
M Najim
Masson, 1988
A two-dimensional fast lattice recursive least squares algorithm
X Liu, M Najim
IEEE transactions on signal processing 44 (10), 2557-2567, 1996
Classification of rotated and scaled textures using HMHV spectrum estimation and the Fourier-Mellin transform
O Alata, C Cariou, C Ramananjarasoa, M Najim
Proceedings 1998 International Conference on Image Processing. ICIP98 (Cat …, 1998
On the convergence enhancment of the wavelet transform based LMS
S Attallah, M Najim
1995 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2 …, 1995
Speech enhancement as a realisation issue
E Grivel, M Gabrea, M Najim
Signal Processing 82 (12), 1963-1978, 2002
Method for determining a protection space in the event of two simultaneous satellite failures
M Najim, A Giremus, F Faurie
US Patent App. 13/812,843, 2013
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Articles 1–20