Brandon J. Hill, PhD
Brandon J. Hill, PhD
Vivent Health
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Factors that influence sexual arousal in men: A focus group study
E Janssen, KR McBride, W Yarber, BJ Hill, SM Butler
Archives of Sexual behavior 37, 252-265, 2008
Misclassification bias: Diversity in conceptualisations about having ‘had sex’
SA Sanders, BJ Hill, WL Yarber, CA Graham, RA Crosby, RR Milhausen
Sexual health 7 (1), 31-34, 2010
PrEP Chicago: A randomized controlled peer change agent intervention to promote the adoption of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV prevention among young …
LE Young, P Schumm, L Alon, A Bouris, M Ferreira, B Hill, AS Khanna, ...
Clinical Trials 15 (1), 44-52, 2018
Alternate reality games as an informal learning tool for generating STEM engagement among underrepresented youth: A qualitative evaluation of the source
M Gilliam, P Jagoda, C Fabiyi, P Lyman, C Wilson, B Hill, A Bouris
Journal of Science Education and Technology 26 (3), 295-308, 2017
Exploring Transgender Legal Name Change as a Potential Structural Intervention for Mitigating Social Determinants of Health Among Transgender Women of Color
B Hill, R Crosby, A Bouris, R Brown, T Bak, K Rosentel, A VandeVusse, ...
Sexuality Research and Social Policy, 2017
Doula support during first-trimester surgical abortion: a randomized controlled trial
J Chor, B Hill, S Martins, S Mistretta, A Patel, M Gilliam
American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 212 (1), 45. e1-45. e6, 2015
Gender affirmation and resiliency among Black transgender women with and without HIV infection
RA Crosby, LF Salazar, BJ Hill
Transgender Health 1 (1), 86-93, 2016
Contextual, experiential, and behavioral risk factors associated with HIV status: a descriptive analysis of transgender women residing in Atlanta, Georgia
LF Salazar, RA Crosby, J Jones, K Kota, B Hill, KE Masyn
International journal of STD & AIDS 28 (11), 1059-1066, 2017
Transgender veterans and the Veterans Health Administration: Exploring the experiences of transgender veterans in the Veterans Affairs healthcare system
K Rosentel, BJ Hill, C Lu, JT Barnett
Transgender Health 1 (1), 108-116, 2016
COVID-19 pandemic, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) care, and HIV/STI testing among patients receiving care in three HIV epidemic priority states
BJ Hill, B Anderson, L Lock
AIDS and Behavior 25 (5), 1361-1365, 2021
Digital media and sexually transmitted infections
M Gilliam, J Chor, B Hill
Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology 26 (5), 381-385, 2014
Exploring individual and structural facotrs associated with employment among young transgender women of color using a no-cost transgender legal resource center
B Hill, K Rosentel, T Bak, R Silverman, Michael, Crosby, L Salazer, ...
Transgender Health 2 (1), 29-34, 2017
Racial and socioeconomic inequity in the spatial distribution of LGBTQ human services: an exploratory analysis of LGBTQ services in Chicago
K Rosentel, A VandeVusse, BJ Hill
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 17, 87-103, 2020
Out on campus: Meeting the mental health needs of sexual and gender minority college students
A Bouris, BJ Hill
Journal of Adolescent Health 61 (3), 271-272, 2017
Mother–son communication about sex and routine human immunodeficiency virus testing among younger men of color who have sex with men
A Bouris, BJ Hill, K Fisher, G Erickson, JA Schneider
Journal of Adolescent Health 57 (5), 515-522, 2015
The semantics of sexual behavior and their implications for HIV/AIDS research and sexual health: US and UK gay men's definitions of having “had sex”
BJ Hill, Q Rahman, DA Bright, SA Sanders
Aids Care 22 (10), 1245-1251, 2010
Black transgender women and the school-to-prison pipeline: Exploring the relationship between anti-trans experiences in school and adverse criminal-legal system outcomes
K Rosentel, I López-Martínez, RA Crosby, LF Salazar, BJ Hill
Sexuality Research and Social Policy 18, 481-494, 2021
Development of a mobile app on contraceptive options for young African American and Latina women
M Akinola, LE Hebert, BJ Hill, M Quinn, JL Holl, AK Whitaker, ML Gilliam
Health Education & Behavior 46 (1), 89-96, 2019
Fit to serve? Exploring mental and physical health and well-being among transgender active-duty service members and veterans in the US Military
BJ Hill, A Bouris, JT Barnett, D Walker
Transgender Health 1 (1), 4-11, 2016
Correlates of condom-associated erection problems in young, heterosexual men: Condom fit, self-efficacy, perceptions, and motivations
SA Sanders, BJ Hill, RA Crosby, E Janssen
AIDS and Behavior 18, 128-134, 2014
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Articles 1–20