John Marra
John Marra
Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Brooklyn College and Graduate Center (CUNY)
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A comparison of global estimates of marine primary production from ocean color
ME Carr, MAM Friedrichs, M Schmeltz, MN Aita, D Antoine, KR Arrigo, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 53 (5-7), 741-770, 2006
Elevated consumption of carbon relative to nitrogen in the surface ocean
RN Sambrotto, G Savidge, C Robinson, P Boyd, T Takahashi, DM Karl, ...
Nature 363 (6426), 248-250, 1993
The seasonal cycle of phytoplankton biomass and primary productivity in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
WO Smith Jr, J Marra, MR Hiscock, RT Barber
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 47 (15-16), 3119-3140, 2000
Comparison of algorithms for estimating ocean primary production from surface chlorophyll, temperature, and irradiance
J Campbell, D Antoine, R Armstrong, K Arrigo, W Balch, R Barber, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 16 (3), 9-1-9-15, 2002
Phytoplankton photosynthetic response to vertical movement in a mixed layer
J Marra
Marine biology 46, 203-208, 1978
A comparison of four methods for determining planktonic community production 1
M Bender, K Grande, K Johnson, J Marra, PJLB Williams, J Sieburth, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 32 (5), 1085-1098, 1987
Primary productivity and its regulation in the Arabian Sea during 1995
RT Barber, J Marra, RC Bidigare, LA Codispoti, D Halpern, Z Johnson, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 48 (6-7), 1127-1172, 2001
Assessing the uncertainties of model estimates of primary productivity in the tropical Pacific Ocean
MAM Friedrichs, ME Carr, RT Barber, M Scardi, D Antoine, RA Armstrong, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 76 (1-2), 113-133, 2009
Effect of short-term variations in light intensity on photosynthesis of a marine phytoplankter: a laboratory simulation study
J Marra
Marine Biology 46, 191-202, 1978
An evaluation of ocean color model estimates of marine primary productivity in coastal and pelagic regions across the globe
VS Saba, MAM Friedrichs, D Antoine, RA Armstrong, I Asanuma, ...
Biogeosciences 8 (2), 489-503, 2011
Approaches to the measurement of plankton production
J Marra
Phytoplankton productivity: Carbon assimilation in marine and freshwater …, 2002
Primary production at 47 N and 20 W in the North Atlantic Ocean: A comparison between the 14C incubation method and the mixed layer carbon budget
DW Chipman, J Marra, T Takahashi
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 40 (1-2), 151-169, 1993
Impact of a cyclonic eddy on phytoplankton community structure and photosynthetic competency in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean
RD Vaillancourt, J Marra, MP Seki, ML Parsons, RR Bidigare
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 50 (7), 829-847, 2003
Ocean color variability in the Indonesian Seas during the SeaWiFS era
RD Susanto, TS Moore, J Marra
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (5), 2006
Challenges of modeling depth‐integrated marine primary productivity over multiple decades: A case study at BATS and HOT
VS Saba, MAM Friedrichs, ME Carr, D Antoine, RA Armstrong, I Asanuma, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24 (3), 2010
Climate change and pacific islands: indicators and impacts: report for the 2012 pacific islands regional climate assessment
V Keener, JJ Marra, ML Finucane, D Spooner, MH Smith
Island press, 2014
High phytoplankton growth and production rates in oligotrophic Hawaiian coastal waters 1
EA Laws, DG Redalje, LW Haas, PK Bienfang, RW Eppley, WG Harrison, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 29 (6), 1161-1169, 1984
Chlorophyll a variability
R Susanto, J Marra
Oceanography 18 (4), 124, 2005
Biogeochemical regimes, net community production and carbon export in the Ross Sea, Antarctica
C Sweeney, DA Hansell, CA Carlson, LA Codispoti, LI Gordon, J Marra, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 47 (15-16), 3369-3394, 2000
Particulate organic carbon fluxes: compilation of results from the 1995 US JGOFS Arabian Sea process study: By the Arabian Sea carbon flux group
C Lee, DW Murray, RT Barber, KO Buesseler, J Dymond, JI Hedges, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 45 (10-11), 2489-2501, 1998
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Articles 1–20