frederique lisacek
frederique lisacek
SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics / University of Geneva
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Cited by
pROC: an open-source package for R and S+ to analyze and compare ROC curves
X Robin, N Turck, A Hainard, N Tiberti, F Lisacek, JC Sanchez, M Müller
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-8, 2011
Expasy, the Swiss Bioinformatics Resource Portal, as designed by its users
S Duvaud, C Gabella, F Lisacek, H Stockinger, V Ioannidis, C Durinx
Nucleic acids research 49 (W1), W216-W227, 2021
Updates to the symbol nomenclature for glycans guidelines
S Neelamegham, K Aoki-Kinoshita, E Bolton, M Frank, F Lisacek, ...
Glycobiology 29 (9), 620-624, 2019
Codon usage and gene function are related in sequences of Arabidopsis thaliana
H Chiapello, F Lisacek, M Caboche, A Hénaut
Gene 209 (1-2), GC1-GC38, 1998
Processing strategies and software solutions for data‐independent acquisition in mass spectrometry
A Bilbao, E Varesio, J Luban, C Strambio‐De‐Castillia, G Hopfgartner, ...
Proteomics 15 (5-6), 964-980, 2015
The use of variable Q1 isolation windows improves selectivity in LC–SWATH–MS acquisition
Y Zhang, A Bilbao, T Bruderer, J Luban, C Strambio-De-Castillia, ...
Journal of proteome research 14 (10), 4359-4371, 2015
UniCarbKB: building a knowledge platform for glycoproteomics
MP Campbell, R Peterson, J Mariethoz, E Gasteiger, Y Akune, ...
Nucleic acids research 42 (D1), D215-D221, 2014
GlyTouCan: an accessible glycan structure repository
M Tiemeyer, K Aoki, J Paulson, RD Cummings, WS York, NG Karlsson, ...
Glycobiology 27 (10), 915-919, 2017
UniCarb-DB: a database resource for glycomic discovery
CA Hayes, NG Karlsson, WB Struwe, F Lisacek, PM Rudd, NH Packer, ...
Bioinformatics 27 (9), 1343-1344, 2011
Animal board invited review: advances in proteomics for animal and food sciences
AM Almeida, A Bassols, E Bendixen, M Bhide, F Ceciliani, S Cristobal, ...
Animal 9 (1), 1-17, 2015
Deciphering the human nucleolar proteome
Y Couté, JA Burgess, JJ Diaz, C Chichester, F Lisacek, A Greco, ...
Mass spectrometry reviews 25 (2), 215-234, 2006
GlyConnect: glycoproteomics goes visual, interactive, and analytical
D Alocci, J Mariethoz, A Gastaldello, E Gasteiger, NG Karlsson, ...
Journal of proteome research 18 (2), 664-677, 2018
Norine: Update of the nonribosomal peptide resource
A Flissi, E Ricart, C Campart, M Chevalier, Y Dufresne, J Michalik, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D465-D469, 2020
UniLectin3D, a database of carbohydrate binding proteins with curated information on 3D structures and interacting ligands
F Bonnardel, J Mariethoz, S Salentin, X Robin, M Schroeder, S Perez, ...
Nucleic acids research 47 (D1), D1236-D1244, 2019
Absolute quantification of transcription factors during cellular differentiation using multiplexed targeted proteomics
J Simicevic, AW Schmid, PA Gilardoni, B Zoller, SK Raghav, I Krier, ...
Nature methods 10 (6), 570-576, 2013
Unrestricted identification of modified proteins using MS/MS
E Ahrné, M Müller, F Lisacek
Proteomics 10 (4), 671-686, 2010
Towards a standardized bioinformatics infrastructure for N- and O-glycomics
MA Rojas-Macias, J Mariethoz, P Andersson, C Jin, V Venkatakrishnan, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3275, 2019
A multiparameter panel method for outcome prediction following aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
N Turck, L Vutskits, P Sanchez-Pena, X Robin, A Hainard, M Gex-Fabry, ...
Intensive care medicine 36, 107-115, 2010
X-Rank: a robust algorithm for small molecule identification using tandem mass spectrometry
R Mylonas, Y Mauron, A Masselot, PA Binz, N Budin, M Fathi, V Viette, ...
Analytical chemistry 81 (18), 7604-7610, 2009
A combined CXCL10, CXCL8 and H-FABP panel for the staging of human African trypanosomiasis patients
A Hainard, N Tiberti, X Robin, V Lejon, DM Ngoyi, E Matovu, JC Enyaru, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 3 (6), e459, 2009
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Articles 1–20