Christopher  Nikulin
Christopher Nikulin
Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Alberto Hurtado
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Una metodología Sistémica y creativa para la gestión estratégica: Caso de Estudio Región de Atacama-Chile
C Nikulin, G Becker
Journal of technology management & innovation 10 (2), 127-144, 2015
Metodología para el análisis de problemas y limitaciones en emprendimientos universitarios
C Nikulin Chandia, P Viveros Gunckel, M Dorochesi Fernandois, ...
Innovar 27 (63), 91-105, 2017
NASA-TLX for predictability and measurability of instructional design models: case study in design methods
C Nikulin, G Lopez, E Piñonez, L Gonzalez, P Zapata
Educational Technology Research and Development 67, 467-493, 2019
An algorithm for supply chain integration based on OTSM-TRIZ.
C Nikulin, S Graciozi, G Cascini, A Araneda, M Minutolo
International Conference on Leadership, Technology and Innovation Management, 2012
Resolving equipment failure causes by root cause analysis and theory of inventive problem solving
P Viveros, E Zio, C Nikulin, R Stegmaier, G Bravo
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of …, 2014
Automatic registration of footsteps in contact regions for reactive agility training in sports
EC Latorre, MD Zuniga, E Arriaza, F Moya, C Nikulin
Sensors 20 (6), 1709, 2020
Accurate fire detection through fully convolutional network
A Gonzalez, MD Zuniga, C Nikulin, G Carvajal, DG Cardenas, ...
IET Digital Library, 2017
FORMAT–building an original methodology for technology forecasting through researchers exchanges between industry and academia
G Cascini, N Becattini, I Kaikov, S Koziolek, D Kucharavy, C Nikulin, ...
Procedia engineering 131, 1084-1093, 2015
Prospective study using archetypes and system dynamics
P Vera, C Nikulin, M Lopez-Campos, RGGG Ramirez
Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administración 32 (2), 1759-1782, 2019
An Algorithm for Root Cause Analysis integration based on OTSM-TRIZ: Complex Problem Analysis.
C Nikulin, G Cascini, P Viveros, R Stegmaier, L Barbera
Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis., 643 -650, 2013
Sizing of a Standalone PV System with Battery Storage for a Dairy: A Case Study from Chile
P Viveros, F Wulff, F Kristjanpoller, C Nikulin, T Grubessich
Complexity 2020, 2020
Resolution of reliability problems based on failure mode analysis: an integrated proposal applied to a mining case study
P Viveros, C Nikulin, M López-Campos, R Villalón, A Crespo
Production Planning & Control 29 (15), 1225-1237, 2018
A systematic and creative methodology to drive strategic management: Chilean case study in Atacama-region
C Nikulin, G Becker
Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2015
A framework for design methods, models and techniques for product and process development
KS Sanhueza, C Nikulin
Business Process Management Journal 25 (7), 1759-1782, 2019
Enhancing creativity for development of automation solutions using OTSM-TRIZ: A systematic case study in agronomic industry
C Nikulin, M Zuniga, M Akhloufi, C Manzi, C Wiche, E Pinones
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 10 (1), 1687814017751950, 2018
A computer-aided application for modeling and monitoring operational and maintenance information in mining trucks
C Nikulin, A Ulloa, C Carmona, W Creixell
Archives of Mining Sciences 61 (3), 695-708, 2016
Integrated Model for Technology Assessment and Expected Evolution: A Case Study in the Chilean Mining Industry
C Nikulin, S Graziosi, G Cascini, R Stegmaier
Journal of Integrated Design and Process Science, 2013
A methodology to improve the decision-making process: Integration of system dynamics models and decision theory with TRIZ
C Nikulin, P Solis, M López-Campos
International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science (IJKSS) 9 (1), 59-81, 2018
Modelling the dynamics of products and processes requirements
N Becattini, G Cascini, C Nikulin
Procedia engineering 131, 661-671, 2015
Integration of root cause analysis and theory of inventive problem solving
P Viveros, E Zio, C Nikulin, R Stegmaier, G Bravo
Joint 2012 International Conference on Probabilistic Safety Assessment and …, 2012
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Articles 1–20