Wendy Nembhard
Wendy Nembhard
Other namesWendy N Nembhard
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Mortality resulting from congenital heart disease among children and adults in the United States, 1999 to 2006
SM Gilboa, JL Salemi, WN Nembhard, DE Fixler, A Correa
Circulation 122 (22), 2254-2263, 2010
Congenital heart defects in the United States: estimating the magnitude of the affected population in 2010
SM Gilboa, OJ Devine, JE Kucik, ME Oster, T Riehle-Colarusso, ...
Circulation 134 (2), 101-109, 2016
Perceived stress following race-based discrimination at work is associated with hypertension in African–Americans. The metro Atlanta heart disease study, 1999–2001
R Din-Dzietham, WN Nembhard, R Collins, SK Davis
Social science & medicine 58 (3), 449-461, 2004
Prenatal diagnosis and prevalence of critical congenital heart defects: an international retrospective cohort study
MK Bakker, JEH Bergman, S Krikov, E Amar, G Cocchi, J Cragan, ...
BMJ open 9 (7), e028139, 2019
Prenatal diagnosis, birth location, surgical center, and neonatal mortality in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome
SA Morris, MK Ethen, DJ Penny, MA Canfield, CG Minard, DE Fixler, ...
Circulation 129 (3), 285-292, 2014
Racial and ethnic disparities in the provision of epidural analgesia to Georgia Medicaid beneficiaries during labor and delivery
G Rust, WN Nembhard, M Nichols, F Omole, P Minor, G Barosso, ...
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 191 (2), 456-462, 2004
Association between birth defects and cancer risk among children and adolescents in a population-based assessment of 10 million live births
PJ Lupo, JM Schraw, TA Desrosiers, WN Nembhard, PH Langlois, ...
JAMA oncology 5 (8), 1150-1158, 2019
Hypospadias prevalence and trends in international birth defect surveillance systems, 1980–2010
X Yu, N Nassar, P Mastroiacovo, M Canfield, B Groisman, ...
European urology 76 (4), 482-490, 2019
Cesarean section and the risk of emergency peripartum hysterectomy in high-income countries: a systematic review
CZ de la Cruz, EL Thompson, K O’Rourke, WN Nembhard
Archives of gynecology and obstetrics 292, 1201-1215, 2015
Mortality in first 5 years in infants with functional single ventricle born in Texas, 1996 to 2003
DE Fixler, WN Nembhard, JL Salemi, MK Ethen, MA Canfield
Circulation 121 (5), 644-650, 2010
Patterns of first‐year survival among infants with selected congenital anomalies in Texas, 1995–1997
WN Nembhard, DK Waller, LE Sever, MA Canfield
Teratology 64 (5), 267-275, 2001
Population‐based birth defects data in the United States, 2010–2014: A focus on gastrointestinal defects
PJ Lupo, JL Isenburg, JL Salemi, CT Mai, RF Liberman, MA Canfield, ...
Birth defects research 109 (18), 1504-1514, 2017
Trisomy 13 and 18—Prevalence and mortality—A multi‐registry population based analysis
N Goel, JK Morris, D Tucker, HEK de Walle, MK Bakker, V Kancherla, ...
American journal of medical genetics Part A 179 (12), 2382-2392, 2019
Population‐based birth defects data in the United States, 2012–2016: A focus on abdominal wall defects
EB Stallings, JL Isenburg, TD Short, D Heinke, RS Kirby, PA Romitti, ...
Birth defects research 111 (18), 1436-1447, 2019
Racial/ethnic disparities in risk of early childhood mortality among children with congenital heart defects
WN Nembhard, JL Salemi, MK Ethen, DE Fixler, A DiMaggio, MA Canfield
Pediatrics 127 (5), e1128-e1138, 2011
Racial/ethnic differences in survival of United States children with birth defects: a population-based study
Y Wang, G Liu, MA Canfield, CT Mai, SM Gilboa, RE Meyer, M Anderka, ...
The Journal of pediatrics 166 (4), 819-826. e2, 2015
Community socioeconomic disadvantage and the survival of infants with congenital heart defects
JE Kucik, WN Nembhard, P Donohue, O Devine, Y Wang, CS Minkovitz, ...
American journal of public health 104 (11), e150-e157, 2014
Prevalence and mortality in children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia: a multicountry study
MD Politis, E Bermejo-Sánchez, MA Canfield, P Contiero, JD Cragan, ...
Annals of epidemiology 56, 61-69. e3, 2021
Age at referral and mortality from critical congenital heart disease
DE Fixler, P Xu, WN Nembhard, MK Ethen, MA Canfield
Pediatrics 134 (1), e98-e105, 2014
Prevalence trends of selected major birth defects: A multi‐state population‐based retrospective study, United States, 1999 to 2007
AM St. Louis, K Kim, ML Browne, G Liu, RF Liberman, WN Nembhard, ...
Birth defects research 109 (18), 1442-1450, 2017
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Articles 1–20