Mishra A K
Mishra A K
Principal Scientist, ICAR- NBAGR, Karnal
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Effect of salt of various concentrations on liquid limit, and hydraulic conductivity of different soil-bentonite mixtures
AK Mishra, M Ohtsubo, LY Li, T Higashi, J Park
Environmental geology 57, 1145-1153, 2009
Identification of the FecB mutation in Garole× Malpura sheep and its effect on litter size
S Kumar, AP Kolte, AK Mishra, AL Arora, VK Singh
Small Ruminant Research 64 (3), 305-310, 2006
Genetic diversity estimates point to immediate efforts for conserving the endangered Tibetan sheep of India
R Sharma, B Kumar, R Arora, S Ahlawat, AK Mishra, MS Tantia
Meta gene 8, 14-20, 2016
Screening for Booroola (FecB) and Galway (FecXG) mutations in Indian sheep
S Kumar, AK Mishra, AP Kolte, SK Dash, SA Karim
Small Ruminant Research 80 (1-3), 57-61, 2008
Effects of the Booroola (FecB) genotypes on growth performance, ewe's productivity efficiency and litter size in Garole× Malpura sheep
S Kumar, AK Mishra, AP Kolte, AL Arora, D Singh, VK Singh
Animal reproduction science 105 (3-4), 319-331, 2008
Phenotypic characterization and multivariate analysis to explain body conformation in lesser known buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) from North India
V Vohra, SK Niranjan, AK Mishra, V Jamuna, A Chopra, N Sharma, ...
Asian-Australasian journal of animal sciences 28 (3), 311, 2015
Prediction of body weight using conformation traits in Barbari goats
PN Singh, AK Mishra
The Indian journal of small ruminants 10 (2), 173-173, 2004
Studies on effect of Booroola (FecB) genotype on lifetime ewes’ productivity efficiency, litter size and number of weaned lambs in Garole× Malpura sheep
AK Mishra, AL Arora, S Kumar, LLL Prince
Animal Reproduction Science 113 (1-4), 293-298, 2009
Sperm motion characteristics of Garole× Malpura sheep evolved in a semi-arid tropical environment through introgression of FecB gene
D Kumar, A Joshi, SMK Naqvi, S Kumar, AK Mishra, VP Maurya, AL Arora, ...
Animal reproduction science 100 (1-2), 51-60, 2007
Genetic analysis for growth traits of prolific Garole× Malpura (GM) sheep
GR Gowane, A Chopra, LLL Prince, AK Mishra, AL Arora
Tropical Animal Health and Production 43, 299-303, 2011
Breeding Prolific Garole with Malpura Sheep for In creased Reproductive Efficiency in Semi Arid Tropics of India
RC Sharma, AL Arora, AK Mishra, S Kumar, VK Singh
Asian-australasian journal of animal sciences 17 (6), 737-742, 2004
Improving productivity of Malpura breed by crossbreeding with prolific Garole sheep in India
AK Mishra, AL Arora, S Kumar, S Kumar, VK Singh
Small Ruminant Research 70 (2-3), 159-164, 2007
Characteristics of Kutchi goats of Gujarat
A Kumar, S Kumar, AK Mishra, VK Singh
The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants 12 (2), 162-168, 2006
Genetic variability in immunocompetence and performance status of Rhode Island Red chicken strains and its crosses
AK Das, S Kumar, A Rahim, AK Mishra
International Journal of Bio-resource and Stress Management 5 (2), 246-254, 2014
Performance evaluation of Jaisalmeri sheep in farmers' flocks
AL Arora, LLL Prince, AK Mishra
The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 77 (8), 2007
Assessment of body conformation, feed efficiency and morphological characteristics in Rhode Island Red-white strain chicken
AK Das, S Kumar, A Rahim, LS Kokate, AK Mishra
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 84 (9), 984-91, 2014
Principal component analysis of biometric traits to explain body conformation in Kajali sheep of Punjab, India
AK Mishra, V Vohra, KN Raja, S Singh, Y Singh
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87 (1), 9398, 2017
Genetic improvement of sheep for wool and mutton production in India: A review
VK Singh, AK Mishra, S Kumar
The Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 75 (3), 2005
Genetic analysis of performance traits of Malpura sheep.
AK Mishra, AL Arora, LLL Prince, SK Sushil Kumar, GR Gowane
Performance evaluation of GaroleŨMalpura half-bred sheep evolved in semiarid region of Rajasthan
AK Mishra, AL Arora, LLL Prince, S Kumar
Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 78 (7), 746-750, 2008
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