Kristin Valentino
Cited by
Cited by
Developmental psychopathology
EM Cummings, K Valentino
Handbook of child psychology and developmental science, 2015
Developmental Psychopathology
E Mark Cummings, K Valentino
Handbook of Child Psychology and Developmental Science 1, 567-606, 2015
An Ecological Transactional Perspective on Child Maltreatment: Failure of the Average Expectable Environment and Its Influence Upon Child Development
D Cicchetti, K Valentino
Developmental Psychopathology (2nd ed.): Risk, Disorder, and Adaptation 3 …, 2006
Motor development
KE Adolph, CM Hospodar
Developmental Science, 234-269, 2024
Intergenerational effects of childhood trauma: evaluating pathways among maternal ACEs, perinatal depressive symptoms, and infant outcomes
CG McDonnell, K Valentino
Child maltreatment 21 (4), 317-326, 2016
Autobiographical memory functioning among abused, neglected, and nonmaltreated children: The overgeneral memory effect
K Valentino, SL Toth, D Cicchetti
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry 50 (8), 1029-1038, 2009
Intergenerational continuity of child abuse among adolescent mothers: Authoritarian parenting, community violence, and race
K Valentino, AK Nuttall, M Comas, JG Borkowski, CE Akai
Child maltreatment 17 (2), 172-181, 2012
Buffering the effects of childhood trauma within the school setting: A systematic review of trauma-informed and trauma-responsive interventions among trauma-affected youth
K Fondren, M Lawson, R Speidel, CG McDonnell, K Valentino
Children and youth services review 109, 104691, 2020
Parenting behaviors and posttraumatic symptoms in relation to children's symptomatology following a traumatic event
K Valentino, S Berkowitz, CS Stover
Journal of traumatic stress 23 (3), 403-407, 2010
Training maltreating parents in elaborative and emotion-rich reminiscing with their preschool-aged children
K Valentino, M Comas, AK Nuttall, T Thomas
Child abuse & neglect 37 (8), 585-595, 2013
Mother-child play and emerging social behaviors among infants from maltreating families.
K Valentino, D Cicchetti, SL Toth, FA Rogosch
Developmental psychology 42 (3), 474, 2006
Ancestral landscapes in human evolution: Culture, childrearing and social wellbeing
D Narváez, K Valentino, A Fuentes, JJ McKenna, P Gray
Oxford University Press, 2014
Mother–child play and maltreatment: A longitudinal analysis of emerging social behavior from infancy to toddlerhood.
K Valentino, D Cicchetti, SL Toth, FA Rogosch
Developmental psychology 47 (5), 1280, 2011
Mother–Child Reminiscing and Autobiographical Memory Specificity Among Preschool-Age Children.
K Valentino, AK Nuttall, M Comas, CG McDonnell, B Piper, TE Thomas, ...
Developmental Psychology 50 (4), 1197-1207, 2014
Relational interventions for maltreated children
K Valentino
Child development 88 (2), 359-367, 2017
A developmental psychopathology model of overgeneral autobiographical memory
K Valentino
Developmental Review 31 (1), 32-54, 2011
Longitudinal pathways of family influence on child self-regulation: The roles of parenting, family expressiveness, and maternal sensitive guidance in the context of child …
R Speidel, L Wang, EM Cummings, K Valentino
Developmental psychology 56 (3), 608, 2020
Efficacy of a reminiscing and emotion training intervention on maltreating families with preschool-aged children.
K Valentino, EM Cummings, J Borkowski, LC Hibel, J Lefever, M Lawson
Developmental Psychology 55 (11), 2365, 2019
Maternal history of parentification, maternal warm responsiveness, and children's externalizing behavior.
AK Nuttall, K Valentino, JG Borkowski
Journal of Family Psychology 26 (5), 767, 2012
True and false recall and dissociation among maltreated children: The role of self-schema
K Valentino, D Cicchetti, FA Rogosch, SL Toth
Development and psychopathology 20 (1), 213-232, 2008
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Articles 1–20