Dong Qian
Cited by
Cited by
Mechanics of carbon nanotubes
D Qian, GJ Wagner, and, WK Liu, MF Yu, RS Ruoff
Appl. Mech. Rev. 55 (6), 495-533, 2002
Mechanical properties of carbon nanotubes: theoretical predictions and experimental measurements
RS Ruoff, D Qian, WK Liu
Comptes rendus. Physique 4 (9), 993-1008, 2003
Mechanical properties of atomically thin boron nitride and the role of interlayer interactions
A Falin, Q Cai, EJG Santos, D Scullion, D Qian, R Zhang, Z Yang, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15815, 2017
Handbook of nanoscience, engineering, and technology
WA Goddard III, D Brenner, SE Lyshevski, GJ Iafrate
CRC press, 2002
Hierarchically buckled sheath-core fibers for superelastic electronics, sensors, and muscles
ZF Liu, S Fang, FA Moura, JN Ding, N Jiang, J Di, M Zhang, X Lepró, ...
Science 349 (6246), 400-404, 2015
Gradient nanostructure and residual stresses induced by Ultrasonic Nano-crystal Surface Modification in 304 austenitic stainless steel for high strength and high ductility
C Ye, A Telang, AS Gill, S Suslov, Y Idell, K Zweiacker, JMK Wiezorek, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 613, 274-288, 2014
Sheath-run artificial muscles
J Mu, M Jung de Andrade, S Fang, X Wang, E Gao, N Li, SH Kim, H Wang, ...
Science 365 (6449), 150-155, 2019
Moisture sensitive smart yarns and textiles from self‐balanced silk fiber muscles
T Jia, Y Wang, Y Dou, Y Li, M Jung de Andrade, R Wang, S Fang, J Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (18), 1808241, 2019
A multiscale projection method for the analysis of carbon nanotubes
D Qian, GJ Wagner, WK Liu
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 193 (17-20), 1603-1632, 2004
Load transfer mechanism in carbon nanotube ropes
D Qian, WK Liu, RS Ruoff
Composites Science and Technology 63 (11), 1561-1569, 2003
The effect of resin uptake on the flexural properties of compression molded sandwich composites
D Cao, S Malakooti, VN Kulkarni, Y Ren, Y Liu, X Nie, D Qian, DT Griffith, ...
Wind energy 25 (1), 71-93, 2022
Mechanics of C60 in Nanotubes
D Qian, WK Liu, RS Ruoff
The journal of physical chemistry B 105 (44), 10753-10758, 2001
Bridging scale methods for nanomechanics and materials
WK Liu, HS Park, D Qian, EG Karpov, H Kadowaki, GJ Wagner
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 195 (13-16), 1407-1421, 2006
Torsional refrigeration by twisted, coiled, and supercoiled fibers
R Wang, S Fang, Y Xiao, E Gao, N Jiang, Y Li, L Mou, Y Shen, W Zhao, ...
Science 366 (6462), 216-221, 2019
Comparison of mechanisms of advanced mechanical surface treatments in nickel-based superalloy
A Gill, A Telang, SR Mannava, D Qian, YS Pyoun, H Soyama, ...
Materials science and engineering: A 576, 346-355, 2013
Artificial spider silk from ion-doped and twisted core-sheath hydrogel fibres
Y Dou, ZP Wang, W He, T Jia, Z Liu, P Sun, K Wen, E Gao, X Zhou, X Hu, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5293, 2019
Elastic response of a carbon nanotube fiber reinforced polymeric composite: a numerical and experimental study
M Kulkarni, D Carnahan, K Kulkarni, D Qian, JL Abot
Composites Part B: Engineering 41 (5), 414-421, 2010
A study on the tensile response and fracture in carbon nanotube-based composites using molecular mechanics
VV Mokashi, D Qian, Y Liu
Composites science and technology 67 (3-4), 530-540, 2007
The Sandia Fracture Challenge: blind round robin predictions of ductile tearing
BL Boyce, SLB Kramer, HE Fang, TE Cordova, MK Neilsen, K Dion, ...
International Journal of Fracture 186, 5-68, 2014
Effect of laser shock peening on residual stress, microstructure and fatigue behavior of ATI 718Plus alloy
M Kattoura, SR Mannava, D Qian, VK Vasudevan
International Journal of Fatigue 102, 121-134, 2017
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Articles 1–20