Sebastian G.M. Händschke
Cited by
Cited by
A Corpus of Corporate Annual and Social Responsibility Reports: 280 Million Tokens of Balanced Organizational Writing
SGM Händschke, S Buechel, J Goldenstein, P Poschmann, T Duan, ...
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Economics and Natural Language …, 2018
Global and local orientation in organisational actorhood: A comparative study of large corporations from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States
J Goldenstein, P Poschmann, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology 6 (2), 201-236, 2019
Do Enterprises Have Emotions?
S Buechel, U Hahn, J Goldenstein, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity …, 2016
Linguistic Analysis: The Study of Textual Data in Management and Organization Studies with NLP
J Goldenstein, P Poschmann, SGM Händschke
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 10882, 2015
Performance effects of international knowledge transfer: A panel analysis of human mobility between knowledge environments
SGM Händschke, R Kerekes, P Walgenbach
Africa Journal of Management 4 (1), 84-110, 2018
Wofür übernehmen Unternehmungen Verantwortung? Und wie kommunizieren sie ihre Verantwortungsübernahme?
S Beyer, S Bohn, T Grünheid, SGM Händschke, R Kerekes, J Müller, ...
Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts-und Unternehmensethik 15 (1), 57-80, 2014
The Cognitive Grounding of Institutions and Words in New Institutionalism
J Goldenstein, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 10879, 2015
The Cognitive Grounding of Institutions and Words in New Institutionalism
J Goldenstein, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
Communicative appropriation of employees’ voluntary engagement in the enactment of corporate social responsibility
P Poschmann, J Goldenstein, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
31. EGOS Colloquium "Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason …, 2015
Scholarly Impact in the Long Run by Teaching Pluralism Today
SGM Händschke
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 18933, 2015
Performance effects of management ideas in an economic crisis: an empirical study
SGM Händschke
Academy of Management Proceedings 2018 (1), 11810, 2018
Coming to Entrepreneurial Berlin and Making Their Way in Silicon Allee: The Ups and Downs of Two Women Entrepreneurs
A Goebel, SGM Händschke
Women's Entrepreneurship in Europe, 169-182, 2018
The Globally and Locally Embedded Meaning of Corporate Responsibility
J Goldenstein, P Poschmann, SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 15928, 2017
Cognitive Isomorphism: Effects of Management Ideas as Filters of Organizational Cognition
SGM Händschke, J Goldenstein, P Walgenbach
Academy of Management Proceedings 2017 (1), 14435, 2017
The apple cannot stop scanning the orange: Effects of management ideas (Benchmarking and BSC) as filters of organizational cognition–an example of cognitive isomorphism
SGM Händschke, J Goldenstein, P Walgenbach
12. New Institutionalism Workshop, 31.3.2016-01.04.2016, Universität Luzern …, 2016
How (public) organizations thrive in the midst of institutional pluralism: the role of identity
E Schlindwein, S Händschke
31. EGOS Colloquium "Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason …, 2015
Die Kommunikation von Verantwortung - eine explorative Studie der Internetkommunikation von drei DAX30 Unternehmen
S Beyer, S Bohn, T Grünheid, SGM Händschke, R Kerekes, J Müller, ...
Freiheitsverluste in Rechtsregime, Gesellschaft und Wissenschaft, 129-152, 2014
Effects of International Knowledge Transfer on the Performance of Teams of Top Performers
SGM Händschke, R Kerekes, P Walgenbach
Academy of Management Proceedings 2014 (1), 11521, 2014
Scholarly Impact by Teaching: Mirroring the Plural Field in the Classroom as a Sustainable Bridge over the Research-Practice Gap
SGM Händschke, P Walgenbach
13. European Academy of Management (EURAM) Conference Proceedings, 2013
10 Jahre Staatswissenschaften an der Universität Erfurt - Bestandsaufnahme aus der Sicht eines Alumnus
SGM Händschke
10 Jahre Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät. Erfurter Beiträge zu den …, 2012
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Articles 1–20