Samuel Bays
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Cited by
Transmutation Dynamics: Impacts of Multi-Recycling on Fuel Cycle Performances
S Bays, S Piet, M Pope, G Youinou, A Dumontier, D Hawn
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2009
Benchmark of advanced burner test reactor model using MCNPX 2.6. 0 and ERANOS 2.1
K Allen, T Knight, S Bays
Progress in Nuclear Energy 53 (6), 633-644, 2011
Technology insights and perspectives for nuclear fuel cycle concepts
S Bays, S Piet, N Soelberg, M Lineberry, B Dixon
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2010
Testing fast reactor fuels in a thermal reactor
P Medvedev, S Hayes, S Bays, S Novascone, L Capriotti
Nuclear Engineering and Design 328, 154-160, 2018
Computational Neutronics Methods and Transmutation Performance Analyses for Fast Reactors
R Ferrer, M Asgari, S Bays, B Forget
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2007
Digital twin to detect nuclear proliferation: A case study
C Ritter, R Hays, J Browning, R Stewart, S Bays, G Reyes, M Schanfein, ...
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 144 (10), 102108, 2022
Fast Reactor Alternative Studies: Effects of Transuranic Groupings on Metal and Oxide Sodium Fast Reactor Designs
R Ferrer, M Asgari, S Bays, B Forget
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2007
Computational Neutronics Methods and Transmutation Performance Analyses for Light Water Reactors
M Asgari, B Forget, S Piet, R Ferrer, S Bays
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2007
Description of transmutation library for fuel cycle system analyses
SJ Piet, SE Bays, EA Hoffman
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2010
A neutronic analysis of TRU recycling in PWRs Loaded with MOX-UE Fuel (MOX with U-235 Enriched U Support)
G Youinou, S Bays
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2009
The FIT 2.0 Model-Fuel-Cycle Integration and Tradeoffs
SJ Piet, NR Soelberg, LF Pincock, EL Shaber, GM Teske
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2011
A digital twin of the AGN-201 reactor to simulate nuclear proliferation
R Stewart, A Shields, C Pope, J Darrington, K Wilsdon, S Bays, K Heaps, ...
Proceedings of the INMM/ESARDA 2023 Joint Annual Meeting, 2023
An agent-based blackboard system for multi-objective optimization
R Stewart, TS Palmer, S Bays
Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 9 (2), 480-506, 2022
Thermal-striping analysis methodology for sodium-cooled reactor design
R Wiser, SE Bays, SJ Yoon
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 175, 121321, 2021
Tradeoff studies for a versatile fast spectrum test reactor
F Heidet, G Youinou, T Fei, MA Smith, G Palmiotti, S Bays
2018 Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, PBNC 2018, 795-801, 2019
HTGR Technology Family Assessment for a Range of Fuel Cycle Missions
SJ Piet, SE Bays, N Soelberg
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2010
Thermal analysis of a proposed transport cask for three advanced burner reactor used fuel assemblies
T Bullard, M Greiner, M Dennis, S Bays, R Weiner
Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference 49262, 579-586, 2010
Transmutation Performance Analysis for Inert Matrix Fuels in Light Water Reactors and Computational Neutronics Methods Capabilities at INL
MA Pope, SE Bays, S Piet, R Ferrer, M Asgari, B Forget
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2009
Evaluation of Homogeneous Options: Effects of Minor Actinide Exclusion from Single and Double Tier Recycle in Sodium Fast Reactors
RM Ferrer, S Bays, M Pope
Idaho National Lab.(INL), Idaho Falls, ID (United States), 2008
ATR compendium: irradiation test capabilities
SE Bays, GJ Youinou, M Lillo, P Gilbreath
Nuclear Technology 201 (3), 191-208, 2018
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Articles 1–20