Alexandr Milstein
Alexandr Milstein
G.I.Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia
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Update: A reanalysis of hadronic cross section measurements at CMD-2
RR Akhmetshin, EV Anashkin, AB Arbuzov, VS Banzarov, A Baratt, ...
Physics Letters B 578 (3-4), 285-289, 2004
Measurement of e+ e−→ π+ π− cross-section with CMD-2 around ρ-meson
RR Akhmetshin, EV Anashkin, AB Arbuzov, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, ...
Physics Letters B 527 (3-4), 161-172, 2002
High-statistics measurement of the pion form factor in the ρ-meson energy range with the CMD-2 detector
RR Akhmetshin, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, NS Bashtovoy, ...
Physics Letters B 648 (1), 28-38, 2007
Heavy quark spin structure in resonances
AE Bondar, A Garmash, AI Milstein, R Mizuk, MB Voloshin
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 84 (5), 054010, 2011
Measurement of the e + e → π+π cross section with the CMD-2 detector in the 370–520-MeV energy range
VM Aul’chenko, RR Akhmetshin, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, NS Bashtovoĭ, ...
JETP letters 84, 413-417, 2006
a1 (1260) π dominance in the process e+ e−→ 4π at energies 1.05–1.38 GeV
RR Akhmetshin, EV Anashkin, M Arpagaus, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, ...
Physics Letters B 466 (2-4), 392-402, 1999
Barrier Control in Tunneling Photoproduction
A Di Piazza, E Lötstedt, AI Milstein, CH Keitel
Physical review letters 103 (17), 170403, 2009
Measurement of the pion form factor in the range 1.04–1.38 GeV with the CMD-2 detector
VM Aul’chenko, RR Akhmetshin, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, NS Bashtovoi, ...
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 82, 743-747, 2005
Screening of Coulomb impurities in graphene
IS Terekhov, AI Milstein, VN Kotov, OP Sushkov
Physical review letters 100 (7), 076803, 2008
Study of the process e+ e−→ π+ π− π+ π− π0 with the CMD-2 detector
RR Akhmetshin, EV Anashkin, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, ...
Physics Letters B 489 (1-2), 125-130, 2000
Experimental investigation of high-energy photon splitting in atomic fields
SZ Akhmadaliev, GY Kezerashvili, SG Klimenko, RN Lee, VM Malyshev, ...
Physical review letters 89 (6), 061802, 2002
Present status of Delbrück scattering
AI Milstein, M Schumacher
Physics reports 243 (4), 183-214, 1994
Study of the process e+ e−→ ωπ0→ π0π0γ in cm energy range 920–1380 MeV at CMD-2
RR Akhmetshin, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, A Baratt, LM Barkov, ...
Physics Letters B 562 (3-4), 173-181, 2003
Induced current and Aharonov-Bohm effect in graphene
R Jackiw, AI Milstein, SY Pi, IS Terekhov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (3), 033413, 2009
A high statistics measurement of the nucleon structure function F2 (x, Q2) from deep inelastic muon-carbon scattering at high Q2
AC Benvenutti, D Bollini, G Bruni, T Camporesi, G Heiman, L Monari, ...
Physics Letters B 195 (1), 91-96, 1987
Study of the processes e+ e−→ ηγ, π0γ→ 3γ in the cm energy range 600–1380 MeV at CMD-2
RR Akhmetshin, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, A Baratt, LM Barkov, ...
Physics Letters B 605 (1-2), 26-36, 2005
Radiative corrections and parity nonconservation in heavy atoms
AI Milstein, OP Sushkov, IS Terekhov
Physical review letters 89 (28), 283003, 2002
Coulomb corrections to the pair production in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions
RN Lee, AI Milstein
Physical Review A 61 (3), 032103, 2000
Study of ϕ→ π+ π− π0 with CMD-2 detector
RR Akhmetshin, VM Aulchenko, VS Banzarov, LM Barkov, NS Bashtovoy, ...
Physics Letters B 642 (3), 203-209, 2006
Photon splitting in a very strong magnetic field
VN Baier, AI Milstein, RZ Shaisultanov
Physical review letters 77 (9), 1691, 1996
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Articles 1–20