Adam Meyers
Adam Meyers
Associate Clinical Professor, New York University
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Cited by
The CoNLL-2009 shared task: Syntactic and semantic dependencies in multiple languages
J Hajic, M Ciaramita, R Johansson, D Kawahara, MA Martí, L Màrquez, ...
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Computational Natural Language …, 2009
The CoNLL 2008 shared task on joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependencies
M Surdeanu, R Johansson, A Meyers, L Màrquez, J Nivre
CoNLL 2008: Proceedings of the Twelfth Conference on Computational Natural …, 2008
The NomBank project: An interim report
A Meyers, R Reeves, C Macleod, R Szekely, V Zielinska, B Young, ...
Proceedings of the workshop frontiers in corpus annotation at hlt-naacl 2004 …, 2004
COMLEX syntax: Building a computational lexicon
R Grishman, C Macleod, A Meyers
arXiv preprint cmp-lg/9411017, 1994
Nyu’s english ace 2005 system description
R Grishman, D Westbrook, A Meyers
Ace 5 (2), 2005
Nomlex: A lexicon of nominalizations
C Macleod, R Grishman, A Meyers, L Barrett, R Reeves
Proceedings of EURALEX 98, 187-193, 1998
Annotating noun argument structure for NomBank.
AL Meyers, R Reeves, C Macleod, R Szekely, V Zielinska, B Young, ...
LREC 4, 803-806, 2004
Alignment of shared forests for bilingual corpora
A Meyers, R Yangarber, R Grishman
COLING 1996 Volume 1: The 16th International Conference on Computational …, 1996
A comparative study of classifying legal documents with neural networks
S Undavia, A Meyers, JE Ortega
2018 Federated conference on computer science and information systems …, 2018
New York University 2016 System for KBP Event Nugget: A Deep Learning Approach.
TH Nguyen, A Meyers, R Grishman
TAC, 2016
Towards fine-grained citation function classification
X Li, Y He, A Meyers, R Grishman
Proceedings of the international conference recent advances in natural …, 2013
Using NOMLEX to produce nominalization patterns for information extraction
A Meyers, C Macleod, R Yangarber, R Grishman, L Barrett, R Reeves
The Computational Treatment of Nominals, 1998
A preliminary study of tweet summarization using information extraction
W Xu, R Grishman, A Meyers, A Ritter
Proceedings of the Workshop on Language Analysis in Social Media, 20-29, 2013
The Cross-Breeding of Dictionaries.
AL Meyers, R Reeves, C Macleod, R Szekely, V Zielinska, B Young, ...
LREC, 2004
Annotation Guidelines for NomBank–Noun Argument Structure for PropBank 2007
A Meyers
New York, NY, USA: New York University Press, 2007
Deriving transfer rules from dominance-preserving alignments
A Meyers, R Yangarber, R Grishman, C Macleod, A Moreno-Sandoval
COLING 1998 Volume 2: The 17th International Conference on Computational …, 1998
Comlex syntax reference manual
C Macleod, R Grishman, A Meyers
Proteus Project, 1998
Who, what, when, where, why? comparing multiple approaches to the cross-lingual 5W task
K Parton, K McKeown, RE Coyne, MT Diab, R Grishman, D Hakkani-Tür, ...
Merging propbank, nombank, timebank, penn discourse treebank and coreference
J Pustejovsky, A Meyers, M Palmer, M Poesio
Proceedings of the Workshop on Frontiers in Corpus Annotations II: Pie in …, 2005
Standardization of the complement adjunct distinction
A Meyers, C Macleod, R Grishman
Submitted to the 1994 Annual Meeting of the Assn. for Computational Linguistics, 1996
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Articles 1–20