Samuel Hybois
Samuel Hybois
CIAMS - Faculté des Sciences du Sport, Université Paris-Saclay
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Ultrasound shear wave viscoelastography: Model-independent quantification of the complex shear modulus
S Kazemirad, S Bernard, S Hybois, A Tang, G Cloutier
IEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics, and frequency control 63 …, 2016
Effect of shoulder model complexity in upper-body kinematics analysis of the golf swing
M Bourgain, S Hybois, P Thoreux, O Rouillon, P Rouch, C Sauret
Journal of Biomechanics 75, 154-158, 2018
Comparison of shoulder kinematic chain models and their influence on kinematics and kinetics in the study of manual wheelchair propulsion
S Hybois, P Puchaud, M Bourgain, A Lombart, J Bascou, F Lavaste, ...
Medical engineering & physics 69, 153-160, 2019
Changes in wheelchair biomechanics within the first 120 minutes of practice: spatiotemporal parameters, handrim forces, motor force, rolling resistance and fore-aft stability
N Eydieux, S Hybois, A Siegel, J Bascou, P Vaslin, H Pillet, P Fodé, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 15 (3), 305-313, 2020
Manual wheelchair biomechanics while overcoming various environmental barriers: A systematic review
T Rouvier, A Louessard, E Simonetti, S Hybois, J Bascou, C Pontonnier, ...
PLoS One 17 (6), e0269657, 2022
On the influence of the shoulder kinematic chain on joint kinematics and musculotendon lengths during wheelchair propulsion estimated from multibody kinematics optimization
P Puchaud, S Hybois, A Lombart, J Bascou, H Pillet, P Fodé, C Sauret
Journal of biomechanical engineering 141 (10), 101005, 2019
Shoulder kinetics during start-up and propulsion with a manual wheelchair within the initial phase of uninstructed training
S Hybois, A Siegel, J Bascou, N Eydieux, P Vaslin, H Pillet, P Fodé, ...
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 13 (1), 40-46, 2018
Effects of ellipsoid parameters on scapula motion during manual wheelchair propulsion based on multibody kinematics optimization. A preliminary study
S Hybois, A Lombart, P Puchaud, J Bascou, F Lavaste, H Pillet, C Sauret
Computer methods in BiomeChaniCs and BiomediCal engineering 20 (sup1), S107-S108, 2017
A preliminary study of stability in elite and novice 10 meter air pistol shooters
D Chadefaux, L Valdes-Tamayo, R Moreno Flores, Y Poulet, ...
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 23 (sup1), S61-S62, 2020
Approche numérique pour l’optimisation personnalisée des réglages d’un fauteuil roulant manuel
S Hybois
Ecole nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers-ENSAM, 2019
Assessment of power losses due to ground contact forces during usual manual wheelchair movements
J Bascou, C Fallot, H Pillet, S Hybois, F Lavaste, C Sauret
Computer methods in BiomeChaniCs and BiomediCal engineering 20 (sup1), S7-S8, 2017
Mechanical simulations as a tool for assessing the influence of wheelchair settings on the propulsion efficiency
J Bascou, S Hybois, H Pillet, F Lavaste, C Sauret
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 60, e92, 2017
Optimal Control Formulation for Manual Wheelchair Locomotion Simulations: Influence of Anteroposterior Stability
J Loisel, T Rouvier, S Hybois, J Bascou, C Sauret
Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 145 (11), 111012, 2023
Tracking the scapula motion through multibody kinematics optimisation to study manual wheelchair propulsion
P Puchaud, S Hybois, A Siegel, J Bascou, H Pillet, C Sauret
Computer methods in BiomeChaniCs and BiomediCal engineering 20 (sup1), S171-S172, 2017
A preliminary investigation of handrim kinetics in various environmental situations crossed in manual wheelchair
A Louessard, T Rouvier, J Bascou, S Hybois, H Pillet, C Sauret
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2021
Investigating the effects of manual wheelchair adjustments on locomotion stability through multi-factorial numerical simulations
S Hybois, J Bascou, F Lavaste, H Pillet, C Sauret
Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 61, e88, 2018
Effet du carrossage en fauteuil roulant: une approche numérique
J Bascou, C Sauret, S Hybois, H Pillet
Science & Sports 33, S22, 2018
Biomechanical analysis of the golf swing: methodological effect of angular velocity component on the identification of the kinematic sequence
M Bourgain, S Hybois, P Thoreux, O Rouillon, P Rouch, C Sauret
Journal of Biomechanics 75, 154-158, 2018
J Bascou, C Sauret, S Hybois, C Villa, F Lavaste, H Pillet
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Articles 1–19