joshua brahinsky
joshua brahinsky
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Sensing the presence of gods and spirits across cultures and faiths
TM Luhrmann, K Weisman, F Aulino, JD Brahinsky, JC Dulin, VA Dzokoto, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (5), e2016649118, 2021
Pentecostal body logics: Cultivating a modern sensorium
J Brahinsky
Cultural Anthropology 27 (2), 215-238, 2012
Similarities and differences in concepts of mental life among adults and children in five cultures
K Weisman, CH Legare, RE Smith, VA Dzokoto, F Aulino, E Ng, JC Dulin, ...
Nature Human Behaviour 5 (10), 1358-1368, 2021
Cultivating discontinuity: Pentecostal pedagogies of yielding and control
J Brahinsky
Anthropology & Education Quarterly 44 (4), 399-422, 2013
Crossing the buffer: ontological anxiety among US evangelicals and an anthropological theory of mind
J Brahinsky
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 26 (S1), 45-60, 2020
The understudied side of contemplation: Words, images, and intentions in a syncretic spiritual practice
M Lifshitz, J Brahinsky, TM Luhrmann
International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis 68 (2), 183-199, 2020
The effects of scale: How Western agency-anxieties mold affect theory, and how Pentecostalism and neuroscience teach us to think differently
J Brahinsky
Anthropological Theory 18 (4), 478-501, 2018
Pentecostal missionary training: Cultivating body logics, converting missionaries, building a movement
J Brahinsky
University of California, Santa Cruz, 2014
Reply to Terhune and Jamieson: The nature of absorption
TM Luhrmann, K Weisman, F Aulino, JD Brahinsky, JC Dulin, VA Dzokoto, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (32), e2109120118, 2021
Missionary conversions: How missionary encounters pushed fundamentalists towards evangelicalism
J Brahinsky
HAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 10 (3), 828-843, 2020
The Spiral of Attention, Arousal, and Release: A Comparative Phenomenology of Jhāna Meditation and Speaking in Tongues
J Brahinsky, J Mago, M Miller, S Catherine, M Lifshitz
American Journal of Human Biology, e24189, 2024
Steps Toward a Neurophenomenology of Speaking in Tongues
J Brahinsky, M Lifshitz, TM Luhrmann
Casselberry, Judith. The labor of faith: gender and power in black Apostolic Pentecostalism. xviii, 213 pp., bibliogr. Durham, NC: Duke Univ. Press, 2017.£ 20.99
J Brahinsky
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 25 (4), 816-817, 2019
Actions speak louder than words: ethical behaviour, social responsibility and protecting the environment
E Christopher, J Brahinsky, DJ Wong-MingJi
Communication across cultures, 325-368, 2012
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Articles 1–14