Sri Wilarso Budi
Sri Wilarso Budi
Lecturer at Faculty of Forestry Bogor Agricultural University
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Cited by
Isolation from the Sorghum bicolor Mycorrhizosphere of a Bacterium Compatible with Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Development and Antagonistic towards Soilborne Fungal Pathogens
GMSG SW Budi, D van Tuinen
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 65 (11), 5148-5150, 1999
Hydrolytic enzyme activity of Paenibacillus sp. strain B2 and effects of the antagonistic bacterium on cell integrity of two soil-borne pathogenic fungi
SW Budi, D Van Tuinen, C Arnould, E Dumas-Gaudot, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 15 (2), 191-199, 2000
Intensive tropical land use massively shifts soil fungal communities
N Brinkmann, D Schneider, J Sahner, J Ballauff, N Edy, H Barus, B Irawan, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3403, 2019
Karakteristik Sifat Kimia Tanah dan Status Kesuburan Tanah pada Agroforestri Tanaman Sayuran Berbasis Eucalyptus Sp.
G Gunawan, N Wijayanto, SW Budi
Journal of Tropical Silviculture 10 (2), 63-69, 2019
Utilization of crops residues as compost and biochar for improving soil physical properties and upland rice productivity
J Barus
Journal of Degraded and Mining Lands Management 3 (4), 631, 2016
Degradation of root community traits as indicator for transformation of tropical lowland rain forests into oil palm and rubber plantations
J Sahner, SW Budi, H Barus, N Edy, M Meyer, MD Corre, A Polle
PloS one 10 (9), e0138077, 2015
Surface-sterilization of Glomus mosseae sporocarps for studying endomycorrhization in vitro
SW Budi, S Gianinazzi, B Blal
Mycorrhiza 9, 65-68, 1999
Penggunaan Pot Berbahan Dasar Organik untuk PembibitanGmelina arborea Roxb. di Persemaian
SW Budi, A Sukendro, L Karlinasari
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 40 (3), 2012
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and biochar improved early growth of neem (Melia azedarach Linn.) seedling under greenhouse conditions
SW Budi, L Setyaningsih
Jurnal Manajemen Hutan Tropika 19 (2), 103-110, 2013
Manual Silvikultur Mangrove di Indonesia
C Kusmana, WC Istomo, SW Budi, IZ Siregar, T Tiryana, S Sukardjo
Departemen Kehutanan Republik Indonesia dan Korea International Cooperation …, 2008
Inokulasi Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) dan pemupukan P untuk meningkatkan hasil dan mutu benih cabai (Capsicum annuum L.)
W Agustin
Jurnal Agronomi Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Agronomy) 38 (3), 2010
Diversity of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in the Growth Habitat of Kayu Kuku (Pericopsis mooniana Thw.) In Southeast Sulawesi.
SW Budi, I Mansur, DC Kusmana
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 18 (1), 1-10, 2015
Keanekaragaman fungi mikoriza arbuskula (FMA) pada rhizosfer Desmodium spp. asal PT. Cibaliung Sumberdaya, Banten
S Muryati, I Mansur, SW Budi
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika 7 (3), 188-197, 2016
The regulatory role of mine soil properties in the growth of revegetation plants in the post-mine landscape of East Kalimantan
I Iskandar, DT Suryaningtyas, DPT Baskoro, SW Budi, I Gozali, S Saridi, ...
Ecological Indicators 139, 108877, 2022
Revegetation as a driver of chemical and physical soil property changes in a post-mining landscape of East Kalimantan: A chronosequence study
I Iskandar, DT Suryaningtyas, DPT Baskoro, SW Budi, I Gozali, A Suryanto, ...
Catena 215, 106355, 2022
Ahmad. 1992
Y Setiadi, I Mansur, SW Budi
Petunjuk Laboratorium mikrobiologi tanah hutan, 0
Bacteria associated with arbuscula mycorrhizal spores Gigaspora margarita and their potential for stimulating root mycorrhizal colonization and neem (Melia azedarach Linn …
Microbiology Indonesia 6 (4), 6-6, 2012
Identifikasi jenis-jenis fungi yang potensial terhadap pembentukan gaharu dari batang Aquilaria spp
SW Budi, E Santoso, A Wahyudi
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika 1 (1), 1-5, 2010
Arbuscular mycorrhiza as a way of promoting sustainable growth of micropropagated plants
S Budi, C Cordier, A Trouvelot, V Gianinazzi-Pearson, S Gianinazzi, ...
Symposium on Plant Biotechnology as a tool for the Exploitation of Mountain …, 1997
Respon fisiologi dan produksi kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) toleran naungan berbasiskan agroforestri sengon (Paraserianthes falcataria (L.) Nielsen)
APP Hartoyo, N Wijayanto, SW Budi
Jurnal Silvikultur Tropika 5 (2), 84-90, 2014
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Articles 1–20