Articles with public access mandates - Johanna MichorLearn more
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Soliton solutions of the Toda hierarchy on quasi‐periodic backgrounds revisited
I Egorova, J Michor, G Teschl
Mathematische Nachrichten 282 (4), 526-539, 2009
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Local conservation laws and the Hamiltonian formalism for the Ablowitz–Ladik hierarchy
F Gesztesy, H Holden, J Michor, G Teschl
Studies in Applied Mathematics 120 (4), 361-423, 2008
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
GBDT and algebro-geometric approaches to explicit solutions and wave functions for nonlocal NLS
J Michor, AL Sakhnovich
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 52 (2), 025201, 2018
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
The Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy revisited
F Gesztesy, H Holden, J Michor, G Teschl
Methods of Spectral Analysis in Mathematical Physics: Conference on Operator …, 2009
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Rarefaction waves for the Toda equation via nonlinear steepest descent
I Egorova, J Michor, G Teschl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.02867, 2017
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Scattering theory with finite-gap backgrounds: transformation operators and characteristic properties of scattering data
I Egorova, J Michor, G Teschl
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 16 (2), 111-136, 2013
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Soliton asymptotics for the KdV shock problem via classical inverse scattering
I Egorova, J Michor, G Teschl
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 514 (1), 126251, 2022
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
On the equivalence of different Lax pairs for the Kac-van Moerbeke hierarchy
J Michor, G Teschl
Modern Analysis and Applications: The Mark Krein Centenary Conference Volume …, 2009
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Wave phenomena of the Toda lattice with steplike initial data
J Michor
Physics Letters A 380 (11-12), 1110-1116, 2016
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
On the spatial asymptotics of solutions of the Ablowitz–Ladik hierarchy
J Michor
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138 (12), 4249-4258, 2010
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
How discrete spectrum and resonances influence the asymptotics of the Toda shock wave
I Egorova, J Michor
SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 17, 045, 2021
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
Soliton asymptotics for the KdV shock problem of low regularity
I Egorova, J Michor, G Teschl
From Complex Analysis to Operator Theory: A Panorama: In Memory of Sergey …, 2023
Mandates: Austrian Science Fund
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