Niyazi KILIC
Niyazi KILIC
Istanbul University - Cerrahpasa
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Cited by
Evaluation of face recognition techniques using PCA, wavelets and SVM
E Gumus, N Kilic, A Sertbas, ON Ucan
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (9), 6404-6408, 2010
Breast cancer detection with reduced feature set
A Mert, N Kılıç, E Bilgili, A Akan
Computational and mathematical methods in medicine 2015 (1), 265138, 2015
Evaluation of bagging ensemble method with time-domain feature extraction for diagnosing of arrhythmia beats
AA Ahmet Mert, Niyazi Kılıç
Neural Computing Application 24 (2), 317-326, 2014
Mammographic mass classification using wavelet based support vector machine
P Gorgel, A Sertbaş, N Kılıç, ON Ucan, O Osman
IU-Journal of Electrical & Electronics Engineering 9 (1), 867-875, 2009
Classification of pulmonary nodules by using hybrid features
A Tartar, N Kilic, A Akan
Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2013 (1), 148363, 2013
An Improved Hybrid Feature Reduction for Increased Breast Cancer Diagnostic Performance
AA Ahmet Mert, Niyazi KILIÇ
Biomedical Engineering Letters 4, 285-291, 2014
Breast cancer classification by using support vector machines with reduced dimension
A Mert, N Kilic, A Akan
Proceedings ELMAR-2011, 37-40, 2011
A new method for pulmonary nodule detection using decision trees
A Tartar, N Kılıç, A Akan
2013 35th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2013
A novel approach to malignant-benign classification of pulmonary nodules by using ensemble learning classifiers
A Tartar, A Akan, N Kilic
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Diagnosis of renal failure disease using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system
A Akgundogdu, S Kurt, N Kilic, ON Ucan, N Akalin
Journal of medical systems 34, 1003-1009, 2010
Estimation of stream temperature in Firtina Creek(Rize-Turkiye) using artificial neural network model
N Sivri, N Kilic, ON Ucan
Journal of Environmental Biology 28 (1), 67-72, 2007
Multifont Ottoman character recognition using support vector machine
N Kilic, P Gorgel, ON Ucan, A Kala
2008 3rd international symposium on communications, control and signal …, 2008
ECG signal classification using ensemble decision tree
A Mert, N Kilic, A Akan
J Trends Dev Mach Assoc Technol 16 (1), 179-182, 2012
Efficient estimation of osteoporosis using artificial neural networks
G Lemineur, R Harba, N Kilic, ON Ucan, O Osman, L Benhamou
IECON 2007-33rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2007
Automatic estimation of osteoporotic fracture cases by using ensemble learning approaches
N Kilic, E Hosgormez
Journal of Medical Systems 40, 1-10, 2016
Colonic polyp detection in CT colonography with fuzzy rule based 3D template matching
N Kilic, ON Ucan, O Osman
Journal of medical systems 33, 9-18, 2009
Mammographic mass detection using wavelets as input to neural networks
N Kilic, P Gorgel, ON Ucan, A Sertbas
Journal of medical systems 34, 1083-1088, 2010
Bagging support vector machine approaches for pulmonary nodule detection
A Tartar, N Kiliç, A Akan
2013 International conference on control, decision and information …, 2013
Detection of chronic kidney disease by using Adaboost ensemble learning approach
MD Başar, P Sarı, N Kılıç, A Akan
2016 24th Signal Processing and Communication Application Conference (SIU …, 2016
Eigenfaces and support vector machine approaches for hybrid face recognition
E Gümüs, N Kilic, A Sertbas, ON Ucan
The Online Journal on Electronics and Electrical Engineering (OJEEE) 2 (4 …, 2010
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Articles 1–20