Robert W. Holthausen
Robert W. Holthausen
Nomura Professor of Accounting and Finance, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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Corporate governance, chief executive officer compensation, and firm performance
JE Core, RW Holthausen, DF Larcker
Journal of financial economics 51 (3), 371-406, 1999
The relevance of the value-relevance literature for financial accounting standard setting
RW Holthausen, RL Watts
Journal of accounting and economics 31 (1-3), 3-75, 2001
Annual bonus schemes and the manipulation of earnings
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 19 (1), 29-74, 1995
The effect of bond rating agency announcements on bond and stock prices
JRM Hand, RW Holthausen, RW LEFTWICH*
The journal of finance 47 (2), 733-752, 1992
The economic consequences of accounting choice implications of costly contracting and monitoring
RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich
Journal of accounting and economics 5, 77-117, 1983
The effect of bond rating changes on common stock prices
RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich
Journal of Financial Economics 17 (1), 57-89, 1986
Predicting audit qualifications with financial and market variables
N Dopuch, RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich
Accounting Review, 431-454, 1987
Accounting method choice: Opportunistic behavior, efficient contracting, and information perspectives
RW Holthausen
Journal of accounting and economics 12 (1-3), 207-218, 1990
The effect of large block transactions on security prices: A cross-sectional analysis
RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich, D Mayers
Journal of Financial Economics 19 (2), 237-267, 1987
The effect of sequential information releases on the variance of price changes in an intertemporal multi-asset market
RW Holthausen, RE Verrecchia
Journal of Accounting Research, 82-106, 1988
Large-block transactions, the speed of response, and temporary and permanent stock-price effects
RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich, D Mayers
Journal of Financial Economics 26 (1), 71-95, 1990
The effect of informedness and consensus on price and volume behavior
RW Holthausen, RE Verrecchia
Accounting Review, 191-208, 1990
Abnormal stock returns associated with media disclosures of ‘subject to’qualified audit opinions
N Dopuch, RW Holthausen, RW Leftwich
Journal of accounting and economics 8 (2), 93-117, 1986
The prediction of stock returns using financial statement information
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker
Journal of accounting and economics 15 (2-3), 373-411, 1992
Accounting standards, financial reporting outcomes, and enforcement
RW Holthausen
Journal of accounting research 47 (2), 447-458, 2009
The financial performance of reverse leveraged buyouts
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker
Journal of Financial Economics 42 (3), 293-332, 1996
Qualified audit opinions and stock prices: Information content, announcement dates, and concurrent disclosures
P Dodd, N Dopuch, R Holthausen, R Leftwich
Journal of Accounting and Economics 6 (1), 3-38, 1984
Evidence on the effect of bond covenants and management compensation contracts on the choice of accounting techniques: The case of the depreciation switch-back
RW Holthausen
Journal of Accounting and Economics 3 (1), 73-109, 1981
Business unit innovation and the structure of executive compensation
RW Holthausen, DF Larcker, RG Sloan
Journal of accounting and economics 19 (2-3), 279-313, 1995
Testing the relative power of accounting standards versus incentives and other institutional features to influence the outcome of financial reporting in an international setting
RW Holthausen
Journal of Accounting and Economics 36 (1-3), 271-283, 2003
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