Kate V. Lewis
Cited by
Cited by
Entrepreneurship and small business
M Schaper, T Volery, P Weber, K Lewis
John Wiley & Sons, 2010
SMEs and environmental responsibility: do actions reflect attitudes?
S Cassells, K Lewis
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 18 (3), 186-199, 2011
SMEs and the potential for a collaborative path to environmental responsibility
KV Lewis, S Cassells, H Roxas
Business Strategy and the Environment 24 (8), 750-764, 2015
The collaborative dynamic in social entrepreneurship
A de Bruin, E Shaw, KV Lewis
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 29 (7-8), 575-585, 2017
Enacting entrepreneurship and leadership: A longitudinal exploration of gendered identity work
KV Lewis
Journal of Small Business Management 53 (3), 662-682, 2015
A review of entrepreneurship education research: Exploring the contribution of the Education + Training special issues
C Henry, K Lewis
Education+ Training 60 (3), 263-286, 2018
The entrepreneurship-motherhood nexus: a longitudinal investigation from a boundaryless career perspective
KV Lewis, C Harris, R Morrison, M Ho
Career Development International 20 (1), 21-37, 2015
Delivering enterprise education in New Zealand
K Lewis, C Massey
Education+ Training 45 (4), 197-206, 2003
Barriers and drivers for environmental practice uptake in SMEs: A New Zealand perspective
K Lewis, S Cassells
International Journal of Business Studies: A Publication of the Faculty of …, 2010
Identity capital: An exploration in the context of youth social entrepreneurship
KV Lewis
Entrepreneurial Identity and Identity Work, 15-29, 2019
Crossing fields: The case of a multi-disciplinary research team
C Massey, F Alpass, R Flett, K Lewis, S Morriss, F Sligo
Qualitative Research 6 (2), 131-147, 2006
Business assistance for SMEs: New Zealand owner‐managers make their assessment
K Lewis, C Massey, M Ashby, A Coetzer, C Harris
Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development 14 (4), 551-566, 2007
Toward enriching united career theory: familial entrepreneurship and copreneurship
A De Bruin, K Lewis
Career Development International 9 (7), 638-646, 2004
Traversing the terrain of context in social entrepreneurship
A De Bruin, KV Lewis
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship 6 (2), 127-136, 2015
Small firm owners in New Zealand: in it for the ‘good life’or growth?
K Lewis
Small Enterprise Research 16 (1), 61-69, 2008
Observe, record, then beyond: Facilitating participant reflection via research diaries
K Lewis, F Sligo, C Massey
Qualitative Research in Accounting & Management 2 (2), 216-229, 2005
The power of interaction rituals: The Student Volunteer Army and the Christchurch earthquakes
KV Lewis
International Small Business Journal 31 (7), 811-831, 2013
Becoming an entrepreneur: Opportunities and identity transitions
KV Lewis, M Ho, C Harris, R Morrison
International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship 8 (2), 98-116, 2016
Exploring firm development in the context of New Zealand SMEs
C Massey, K Lewis, V Warriner, C Harris, D Tweed, J Cheyne, A Cameron
Small Enterprise Research 14 (1), 1-13, 2006
Sustainability in the supply chain: Reappraising business process management
K Mc Loughlin, KV Lewis, D Lascelles, S Nudurupati
Production Planning & Control 34 (1), 19-52, 2023
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Articles 1–20