Ketil Hokstad
Ketil Hokstad
Equinor (the company formerly known as Statoil)
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Prestack depth migration with compensation for absorption and dispersion
R Mittet, R Sollie, K Hokstad
Geophysics 60 (5), 1485-1494, 1995
Multicomponent kirchhoff migration
K Hokstad
Geophysics 65 (3), 861-873, 2000
The Iceland Deep Drilling Project at Reykjanes: Drilling into the root zone of a black smoker analog
GÓ Friðleifsson, WA Elders, RA Zierenberg, APG Fowler, ...
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 391, 106435, 2020
Seismic processing with general non-hyperbolic travel-time corrections
E Causse, K Hokstad
US Patent 6,839,658, 2005
Geometrical spreading in a layered transversely isotropic medium with vertical symmetry axis
B Ursin, K Hokstad
Geophysics 68 (6), 2082-2091, 2003
Elastic reverse time migration of marine walkaway vertical seismic profiling data
K Hokstad, R Mittet, M Landro
Geophysics 63 (5), 1685-1695, 1998
Improved salt imaging in a basin context by high resolution potential field data: Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea
C Stadtler, C Fichler, K Hokstad, EA Myrlund, S Wienecke, B Fotland
Geophysical Prospecting 62 (3), 615-630, 2014
3D surface-related multiple elimination using parabolic sparse inversion
K Hokstad, R Sollie
Geophysics 71 (6), V145-V152, 2006
Joint contrast source inversion of marine magnetotelluric and controlled-source electromagnetic data
T Wiik, K Hokstad, B Ursin, L Mütschard
Geophysics 78 (6), E315-E327, 2013
Nonlinear and dispersive acoustic wave propagation
K Hokstad
Geophysics 69 (3), 840-848, 2004
Temperature prediction by multigeophysical inversion: application to the IDDP-2 well at Reykjanes, Iceland
K Hokstad, K Tanavasuu-Milkeviciene
Geotherm Resource Council 41, 1141-52, 2017
Integration of multiple electromagnetic imaging and inversion techniques for prospect evaluation
GM Hoversten, T Røsten, K Hokstad, D Alumbaugh, S Horne, ...
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2006, 719-723, 2006
Imaging of offset VSP data with an elastic iterative migration scheme
R Mittet, K Hokstad, J Helgesen, G Canadas
Geophysical prospecting 45 (2), 247-267, 1997
Positioning drill-bit and look-ahead events using seismic traveltime data
J Eidsvik, K Hokstad
Geophysics 71 (4), F79-F90, 2006
Transforming walk-away VSP data into reverse VSP data
R Mittet, K Hokstad
Geophysics 60 (4), 968-977, 1995
Strategies for petroleum exploration on the basis of Bayesian networks: A case study
G Martinelli, J Eidsvik, K Hokstad, R Hauge
SPE Journal 19 (04), 564-575, 2014
Joint imaging of geophysical data: Case history from the Nordkapp Basin, Barents Sea
K Hokstad, B Fotland, G Mackenzie, V Antonsdottir, SK Foss, C Stadtler, ...
SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2011, 1098-1102, 2011
Linking rock physics and basin history—Filling gaps between wells in frontier basins
A Dræge, K Duffaut, T Wiik, K Hokstad
The Leading Edge 33 (3), 240-246, 2014
TIV contrast source inversion of mCSEM data
T Wiik, LO Løseth, B Ursin, K Hokstad
Geophysics 76 (1), F65-F76, 2011
Radiogenic heat production in the crust from inversion of gravity and magnetic data
K Hokstad, ZA Tašárová, SA Clark, R Kyrkjebø, K Duffaut, C Fichler, ...
Norwegian Journal of Geology 97 (3), 241-254, 2017
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Articles 1–20