Benjamin Knoerlein
Benjamin Knoerlein
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Cited by
Validation of XMALab software for marker-based XROMM
BJ Knörlein, DB Baier, SM Gatesy, JD Laurence-Chasen, EL Brainerd
Journal of Experimental Biology 219 (23), 3701-3711, 2016
Calibration, registration, and synchronization for high precision augmented reality haptics
M Harders, G Bianchi, B Knoerlein, G Székely
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 15 (1), 138-149, 2008
Effects of visual–haptic asynchronies and loading–unloading movements on compliance perception
M Di Luca, B Knörlein, MO Ernst, M Harders
Brain research bulletin 85 (5), 245-259, 2011
Influence of visual and haptic delays on stiffness perception in augmented reality
B Knorlein, M Di Luca, M Harders
Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2009. ISMAR 2009. 8th IEEE International …, 2009
Visuo-haptic collaborative augmented reality ping-pong
B Knoerlein, G Székely, M Harders
Proceedings of the international conference on Advances in computer …, 2007
High precision augmented reality haptics
G Bianchi, B Knoerlein, G Szekely, M Harders
Proc. EuroHaptics 6, 169-178, 2006
Haptic simulation of breast cancer palpation: A case study of haptic augmented reality
S Jeon, B Knoerlein, M Harders, S Choi
2010 IEEE international symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 237-238, 2010
Assessment of holographic microscopy for quantifying marine particle size and concentration
NL Walcutt, B Knörlein, I Cetinić, Z Ljubesic, S Bosak, T Sgouros, ...
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 18 (9), 516-530, 2020
Multimodal augmented reality in medicine
M Harders, G Bianchi, B Knoerlein
Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Ambient Interaction: 4th …, 2007
High-fidelity visuo-haptic interaction with virtual objects in multi-modal AR systems
G Bianchi, C Jung, B Knoerlein, G Szekely, M Harders
2006 IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 187-196, 2006
In situ vocal fold properties and pitch prediction by dynamic actuation of the songbird syrinx
DN Düring, BJ Knörlein, CPH Elemans
Scientific reports 7 (1), 11296, 2017
Virtual reality and oceanography: overview, applications, and perspective
NL Walcutt, B Knörlein, T Sgouros, I Cetinić, MM Omand
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 644, 2019
3D microtissues mimic the architecture, estradiol synthesis, and gap junction intercellular communication of the avascular granulosa
BC Ip, E Leary, B Knorlein, D Reich, V Van, J Manning, JR Morgan
Toxicological Sciences 186 (1), 29-42, 2022
Comparison of tracker-based to tracker-less haptic device calibration
B Knoerlein, M Harders
2011 IEEE World Haptics Conference, 119-124, 2011
Enhanced visual depth cues for collocated visuo-haptic augmented reality
B Knörlein, G Székely, M Harders
Václav Skala-UNION Agency, 2010
Exploring visuo-haptic augmented reality for training
B Knörlein
Selected readings in vision and graphics 68, 2011
Alignment Errors between Real and Virtual World in Augmented Reality
G Bianchi, C Jung, B Knörlein, M Harders, G Székely
Proc. of Workshop on Mixed Reality and Computing in the Physical World, 2005
OceanDrop VR: A virtual reality safari revealing microscopic life within a drop of seawater
N Walcutt, B Knörlein, MM Omand, I Cetinic, T Sgouros
2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting, 2018
Breast cancer palpation system using haptic augmented reality
S Jeon, B Knoerlein, M Harders, G Han, S Choi
2010 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality, 308-308, 2010
Influence of asynchrony on the perception of visual-haptic compliance
M Di Luca, B Knörlein, M Harders, M Ernst
Journal of Vision 10 (7), 852-852, 2010
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Articles 1–20