Hao YU
Hao YU
School of Transportation, Southeast University
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Identifying if VISSIM simulation model and SSAM provide reasonable estimates for field measured traffic conflicts at signalized intersections
F Huang, P Liu, H Yu, W Wang
Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 1014-1024, 2013
Comparative analysis of the spatial analysis methods for hotspot identification
H Yu, P Liu, J Chen, H Wang
Accident Analysis & Prevention 66, 80-88, 2014
Using VISSIM simulation model and Surrogate Safety Assessment Model for estimating field measured traffic conflicts at freeway merge areas
R Fan, H Yu, P Liu, W Wang
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 7 (1), 68-77, 2013
Network-wide traffic signal control optimization using a multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
Z Li, H Yu, G Zhang, S Dong, CZ Xu
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 125, 103059, 2021
Incorporating twitter-based human activity information in spatial analysis of crashes in urban areas
J Bao, P Liu, H Yu, C Xu
Accident analysis & prevention 106, 358-369, 2017
Comparative analysis of risky behaviors of electric bicycles at signalized intersections
L Bai, P Liu, Y Guo, H Yu
Traffic injury prevention 16 (4), 424-428, 2015
Temporal-spatial dimension extension-based intersection control formulation for connected and autonomous vehicle systems
Z Li, Q Wu, H Yu, C Chen, G Zhang, ZZ Tian, PD Prevedouros
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 104, 234-248, 2019
A latent class approach for driver injury severity analysis in highway single vehicle crash considering unobserved heterogeneity and temporal influence
H Yu, Z Li, G Zhang, P Liu
Analytic methods in accident research 24, 100110, 2019
Development of a VISSIM simulation model for U-turns at unsignalized intersections
P Liu, X Qu, H Yu, W Wang, B Cao
Journal of Transportation Engineering 138 (11), 1333-1339, 2012
Optimal traffic signal control under dynamic user equilibrium and link constraints in a general network
H Yu, R Ma, HM Zhang
Transportation research part B: methodological 110, 302-325, 2018
Identifying heterogeneous factors for driver injury severity variations in snow-related rural single-vehicle crashes
H Yu, R Yuan, Z Li, G Zhang, DT Ma
Accident Analysis & Prevention 144, 105587, 2020
Assessing potential likelihood and impacts of landslides on transportation network vulnerability
Q Zhang, H Yu, Z Li, G Zhang, DT Ma
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 82, 102304, 2020
Taxi-based mobility demand formulation and prediction using conditional generative adversarial network-driven learning approaches
H Yu, X Chen, Z Li, G Zhang, P Liu, J Yang, Y Yang
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (10), 3888-3899, 2019
Exploring the impacts of travel-implied policy factors on COVID-19 spread within communities based on multi-source data interpretations
Y Guo, H Yu, G Zhang, DT Ma
Health & place 69, 102538, 2021
Extracting and predicting taxi hotspots in spatiotemporal dimensions using conditional generative adversarial neural networks
H Yu, Z Li, G Zhang, P Liu, J Wang
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (4), 3680-3692, 2020
Modeling the effects of low-carbon emission constraints on mode and route choices in transportation networks
X Zhang, P Liu, Z Li, H Yu
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 96, 329-338, 2013
Evaluating the effects of signal countdown timers on queue discharge characteristics at signalized intersections in China
P Liu, H Yu, W Wang, J Ma, S Wang
Transportation research record 2286 (1), 39-48, 2012
Fusion convolutional neural network-based interpretation of unobserved heterogeneous factors in driver injury severity outcomes in single-vehicle crashes
H Yu, Z Li, G Zhang, P Liu, T Ma
Analytic methods in accident research 30, 100157, 2021
Short‐term FFBS demand prediction with multi‐source data in a hybrid deep learning framework
J Bao, H Yu, J Wu
IET Intelligent Transport Systems 13 (9), 1340-1347, 2019
Can left-turn waiting areas improve the capacity of left-turn lanes at signalized intersections?
Z Yang, P Liu, Y Chen, H Yu
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 43, 192-200, 2012
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