Gisela Redondo-Sama
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Cited by
COVID-19 infodemic: More retweets for science-based information on coronavirus than for false information
CM Pulido, B Villarejo-Carballido, G Redondo-Sama, A Gómez
International sociology 35 (4), 377-392, 2020
Successful educational actions for inclusion and social cohesion in Europe
R Flecha
A new application of social impact in social media for overcoming fake news in health
CM Pulido, L Ruiz-Eugenio, G Redondo-Sama, B Villarejo-Carballido
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (7), 2430, 2020
Social impact in social media: A new method to evaluate the social impact of research
CM Pulido, G Redondo-Sama, T Sordé-Martí, R Flecha
PloS one 13 (8), e0203117, 2018
Social work during the COVID-19 crisis: Responding to urgent social needs
G Redondo-Sama, V Matulic, A Munté-Pascual, I de Vicente
Sustainability 12 (20), 8595, 2020
False news around COVID-19 circulated less on Sina Weibo than on Twitter. How to overcome false information?
CP Rodríguez, BV Carballido, G Redondo-Sama, M Guo, M Ramis, ...
International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences 9 (2), 107-128, 2020
Socialización preventiva de la violencia de género
A Flecha Fernández Sanmamed, L Puigvert Mallart, G Redondo Sama
Feminismo/s. N. 6 (dic. 2005); pp. 107-120, 2005
Pueblo gitano, género y educación: investigar para excluir o investigar para transformar
F Macías, GR Sama
RISE 1 (1), 71-92, 2012
Interactive groups for immigrant students: a factor for success in the path of immigrant students
D Valero, G Redondo-Sama, C Elboj
International Journal of Inclusive Education 22 (7), 787-802, 2018
Communicative methodology: Contributions to social impact assessment in psychological research
G Redondo-Sama, J Díez-Palomar, R Campdepadrós, T Morlà-Folch
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 286, 2020
Liderazgo dialógico en comunidades de aprendizaje
G Redondo-Sama
Intangible capital 11 (3), 437-457, 2015
Why Mondragon? Analyzing what works in overcoming inequalities
G Redondo, I Santa Cruz, JM Rotger
Qualitative Inquiry 17 (3), 277-283, 2011
Not without them: The inclusion of minors’ voices on cyber harassment prevention
G Redondo-Sama, MA Pulido-Rodríguez, R Larena, L de Botton
Qualitative Inquiry 20 (7), 895-901, 2014
Investigaciones mundiales sobre violencia de género en la universidad
A Burgués, EO Pérez, GR Sama, AS Sarmiento
Convergencia con Europa y cambio en la universidad: XI Conferencia de …, 2006
Leadership and community participation: a literature review
G Redondo
International and Multidisciplinary Journal of Social Sciences 5 (1), 71-92, 2016
Dialogic leadership and new alternative masculinities: emerging synergies for social transformation
G Redondo
Masculinities & Social Change 5 (1), 70-91, 2016
The critical pedagogy that transforms the reality
R Valls-Carol, RR de Mello, A Rodríguez-Oramas, A Khalfaoui, ...
International Journal of Sociology of Education 11 (1), 58-71, 2022
Liderazgo y creación social: una aproximación a las principales aportaciones
G Redondo Sama, C Elboj Saso
Rev. int. organ., 2018
Attitudes on gender stereotypes and gender-based violence among youth
G Redondo, M Ramis, S Girbιs, T Schubert
Daphne III programme: Youth4Youth: Empowering young people in preventing …, 2011
Hacia una evaluación de la eficacia intercultural en el profesorado en formación
TÍ Berrozpe, DV Errazu, AFF de Sanmamed, GR Sama
Revista de Sociología de la Educación-RASE 14 (2), 139-156, 2021
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Articles 1–20