Furtasan Ali Yusuf
Furtasan Ali Yusuf
Universitas Bina Bangsa
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The Effect of Organizational Culture on Lecturers' Organizational Commitment in Private Universities in Indonesia.
FA Yusuf
International Journal of Higher Education 9 (2), 16-24, 2020
The independent campus program for higher education in Indonesia: The role of government support and the readiness of institutions, lecturers, and students
F Yusuf
Journal of Social Studies Education Research 12 (2), 280-304, 2021
Manajemen sumber daya manusia: suatu pendekatan fungsional teoritis dan aplikatif
FA Yusuf, BI Maliki
Rajawali Pers, 2020
Meta-Analysis Study: The Relationship between Reflective Thinking and Learning Achievement.
M Chamdani, FA Yusuf, M Salimi, LEW Fajari
Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science 15 (3 …, 2022
Assessing organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior in ensuring the smoothness of the supply chain for medical hospital needs towards a green hospital …
Z Yusuf, F Yusuf, U Nuryanto, B Basrowi
Uncertain Supply Chain Management 12 (1), 181-194, 2024
Meta-Analysis: The Influence of Local Wisdom-Based Learning Media on the Character of Students in Indonesia
FA Yusuf
International Journal of Educational Methodology 9 (1), 237-248, 2023
Total quality management (TQM) and quality of higher education: A meta-analysis study
FA Yusuf
International Journal of Instruction 16 (2), 161-178, 2023
The effect of organizational citizenship and visionary leadership on contextual performance: A case study in Indonesia
W Widodo
Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 8 (6), 2021
Development of patronage ambidexterity and the performance of joint venture shopping centers in indonesia
BD Suseno, FA Yusuf, D Kurnia
Calitatea 22 (181), 30-34, 2021
Sustainability innovativeness agility as an intervening variable in the managerial competence to business performance relationship of a family-owned company
FA Yusuf
International Journal of Inovation, Creativityand Change 13 (9), 2020
Implementing the resource sharing innovation model to sustainably address the high unemployment rate
BD Suseno
International Conference on Entrepreneurship (ICOEN), 734-740, 2021
Perilaku organisasi
FA Yusuf, BI Maliki
Rajawali Pers, 2022
Key success factors of various quality assessment institutions and quality of higher education services: A meta-analysis study
FA Yusuf, LEW Fajari
Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 98 (98), 184-202, 2022
Strategi Mengatasi Resistensi Terhadap Perubahan Dalam Dunia Pendidikan: Tinjauan Terhadap Praktik Manajemen
BH Hayadi, FA Yusuf, S Pahliana
Technical and Vocational Education International Journal (TAVEIJ) 4 (1), 178-186, 2024
Pemberdayaan kelompok pemuda dalam budidaya ikan nila
L Sofiah, J Jumadi, A Agustini, IM Putra, M Masriyadi, K Kardi, D Kurnia, ...
Batara Wisnu: Indonesian Journal of Community Services 3 (2), 320-326, 2023
Significance of resources sharing innovation in industrial human competitiveness: empirical study at the manufacturing industries
BD Suseno, FA Yusuf, S Hidayat, D Surani
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/Egyptology 17 (7), 6550-6561, 2020
Penerapan Inovasi Resource Sharing dalam Mengurangi Tingginya Pengangguran di Provinsi Banten
BD Suseno, FA Yusuf, S Hidayat, D Surani
Valid: Jurnal Ilmiah 18 (2), 94-102, 2021
The Effectiveness of the Internship Program for Vocational High School Students Using the CIPP Method
FA Yusuf
JTP-Jurnal Teknologi Pendidikan 25 (1), 15-28, 2023
An investigation on the learning barriers of boarding school students In terms of different dimensions of the curriculum implementation
FA Yusuf
Pegegog, 2022
Ekonomika Untuk Manajer (Ekonomika Manajerial)
M Suparmoko, FA Yusuf
Penerbit: BPFE Yogyakarta, Penerbit BPFE, Edisi 4, 1994
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Articles 1–20