Joyce Many
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Cited by
Candidate surveys on program evaluation: Examining Instrument reliability, validity and program effectiveness
R Bhatnagar, J Kim, JE Many
American Journal of Educational Research 2 (8), 683-690, 2014
The effect of teaching approach on third-grade students' response to literature
JE Many, DL Wiseman
Journal of Reading Behavior 24 (3), 265-287, 1992
Toward an understanding of the aesthetic response to literature
C Cox, JE Many
Language Arts 69 (1), 28-33, 1992
An exhibition and analysis of verbal tapestries: Understanding how scaffolding is woven into the fabric of instructional conversations
JE Many
Reading Research Quarterly 37 (4), 376-407, 2002
Traversing the topical landscape: Exploring students' self‐directed reading‐writing‐research processes
JE Many, R Fyfe, G Lewis, E Mitchell
Reading Research Quarterly 31 (1), 12-35, 1996
The effects of stance and age level on children's literary responses
JE Many
Journal of Reading Behavior 23 (1), 61-85, 1991
Stance towards a literary work: Applying the transactional theory to children's responses
C Cox, JE Many
Reading Psychology: An International Quarterly 13 (1), 37-72, 1992
The effect of reader stance on students' personal understanding of literature.
JE Many
National Reading Conference Yearbook, 1990
Epistemology and preservice teacher education: how do beliefs about knowledge affect our students’ experiences?
JE Many, F Howard, P Hoge
English Education 34 (4), 302-322, 2002
How will literacy be defined in the new millennium?
JW Cunningham, JE Many, RP Carver, L Gunderson, PB Mosenthal
Reading research quarterly 35 (1), 64-71, 2000
Being a friend and a mentor at the same time: A pooled case comparison
JP Young, D Alvermann, J Kaste, S Henderson, J Many
Mentoring & tutoring: Partnership in learning 12 (1), 23-36, 2004
How scaffolding nurtures the development of young children's literacy repertoire: Insiders’ and outsiders’ collaborative understandings
SD Henderson, JE Many, HP Wellborn, J Ward
Literacy Research and Instruction 41 (4), 309-330, 2002
Reader stance and literary understanding: Exploring the theories, research, and practice
J Many, C Cox
Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1992
Profiles of three preservice ESOL teachers' development of instructional scaffolding
JE Many, D Dewberry, DL Taylor, K Coady
Reading Psychology 30 (2), 148-174, 2009
Understanding the experiences and needs of mainstream teachers of ESL students: Reflections from a secondary social studies teacher.
L Krumenaker, J Many, Y Wang
TESL Canada Journal 25 (2), 66-84, 2008
Enabling complex aesthetic responses: An examination of three literary discussion approaches
DL Wiseman, JE Many, J Altieri
Literacy research, theory, and practice: Views from many perspectives, 283-289, 1992
Analyzing versus experiencing: The effects of teaching approaches on students’ responses
JE Many, DL Wiseman
Reader stance and literary understanding, 250-276, 1992
Beyond choosing: Emergent categories of efferent and aesthetic stance
C Cox, J Many
Reader stance and literary understanding, 103-126, 1992
Crisscrossing the university and public school contexts as professional development school boundary spanners.
JE Many, TR Fisher, S Ogletree, D Taylor
Issues in Teacher Education 21 (2), 2012
The effects of aesthetic and efferent teaching approaches on undergraduate students’ responses to literature
DL Wiseman, JE Many
Literacy Research and Instruction 31 (2), 66-83, 1991
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Articles 1–20