Matej Pec
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Cited by
Semi‐brittle flow of granitoid fault rocks in experiments
M Pec, H Stünitz, R Heilbronner, M Drury
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (3), 1677-1705, 2016
Origin of pseudotachylites in slow creep experiments
M Pec, H Stünitz, R Heilbronner, M Drury, C de Capitani
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 355, 299-310, 2012
Modification of fluid inclusions in quartz by deviatoric stress. III: Influence of principal stresses on inclusion density and orientation
A Tarantola, LW Diamond, H Stünitz, A Thust, M Pec
Contributions to mineralogy and petrology 164, 537-550, 2012
Semi-brittle deformation of granitoid gouges in shear experiments at elevated pressures and temperatures
M Pec, H Stünitz, R Heilbronner
Journal of Structural Geology 38, 200-221, 2012
Reaction infiltration instabilities in experiments on partially molten mantle rocks
M Pec, BK Holtzman, M Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Geology 43 (7), 575-578, 2015
Reaction infiltration instabilities in mantle rocks: An experimental investigation
M Pec, BK Holtzman, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Journal of Petrology 58 (5), 979-1003, 2017
Chapter 2 – Migration of Melt
M Daines, M Pec
The Encyclopedia of Volcanoes (Second Edition), 49-64, 2015
On the role of phyllosilicates on fault lubrication: Insight from micro‐and nanostructural investigations on talc friction experiments
S Boutareaud, T Hirose, M Andréani, M Pec, DG Calugaru, AM Boullier, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 117 (B8), 2012
Recrystallization of ice enhances the creep and vulnerability to fracture of ice shelves
M Ranganathan, B Minchew, CR Meyer, M Peč
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 576, 117219, 2021
Creep of CarbFix basalt: Influence of rock-fluid interaction
T Xing, H Ghaffari, U Mok, M Pec
Solid Earth Discussions 2021, 1-32, 2021
Influence of lithology on reactive melt flow channelization
M Pec, BK Holtzman, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 21 (8), e2020GC008937, 2020
Comparison of brittle-and viscous creep in quartzites: Implications for semi-brittle flow of rocks
JE Reber, M Pec
Journal of Structural Geology 113, 90-99, 2018
Brittle creep and failure: a reformulation of the wing crack model
Y Bernabé, M Pec
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 127 (9), e2022JB024610, 2022
Nanometric flow and earthquake instability
H Sun, M Pec
Nature communications 12 (1), 6779, 2021
An ultrasound probe array for a high-pressure, high-temperature solid medium deformation apparatus
HO Ghaffari, M Pec
Review of Scientific Instruments 91 (8), 2020
Microscopic defect dynamics during a brittle-to-ductile transition
H O’Ghaffari, M Peč, T Mittal, U Mok, H Chang, B Evans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (42), e2305667120, 2023
Formation of nanocrystalline and amorphous materials causes parallel brittle‐viscous flow of crustal rocks: Experiments on quartz‐feldspar aggregates
M Pec, S Al Nasser
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (5), e2020JB021262, 2021
Experimental investigation on the rheology of fault rocks
M Peč
Universität Basel, 2014
Atmospheric carbon depletion as a tracer of water oceans and biomass on temperate terrestrial exoplanets
AHMJ Triaud, J de Wit, F Klein, M Turbet, BV Rackham, P Niraula, ...
Nature Astronomy 8 (1), 17-29, 2024
Melt network reorientation and crystallographic preferred orientation development in sheared partially molten rocks
C Seltzer, M Peč, ME Zimmerman, DL Kohlstedt
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 24 (9), e2023GC010927, 2023
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Articles 1–20