Jannik Laval
Cited by
Cited by
Software quality metrics aggregation in industry
K Mordal, N Anquetil, J Laval, A Serebrenik, B Vasilescu, S Ducasse
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 25 (10), 1117-1135, 2013
The squale model—a practice-based industrial quality model
K Mordal-Manet, F Balmas, S Denier, S Ducasse, H Wertz, J Laval, ...
2009 IEEE International conference on software maintenance, 531-534, 2009
Deep Into Pharo
A Bergel, D Cassou, S Ducasse, J Laval
Lulu. com, 2013
MSE and FAMIX 3.0: an interexchange format and source code model family
S Ducasse, N Anquetil, MU Bhatti, AC Hora, J Laval, T Girba
Legacy software restructuring: Analyzing a concrete case
N Anquetil, J Laval
2011 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 279-286, 2011
LSTM recurrent neural networks for cybersecurity named entity recognition
H Gasmi, J Laval, A Bouras
arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.10521, 2024
Information extraction of cybersecurity concepts: An LSTM approach
H Gasmi, J Laval, A Bouras
Applied Sciences 9 (19), 3945, 2019
Metrics for performance benchmarking of multi-robot exploration
Z Yan, L Fabresse, J Laval, N Bouraqadi
2015 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2015
Agile visualization with Roassal
VP Araya, A Bergel, D Cassou, S Ducasse, J Laval
Deep Into Pharo 209, 239, 2013
Identifying cycle causes with enriched dependency structural matrix
J Laval, S Denier, S Ducasse, A Bergel
2009 16th Working conference on reverse engineering, 113-122, 2009
Supporting simultaneous versions for software evolution assessment
J Laval, S Denier, S Ducasse, JR Falleri
Science of Computer Programming 76 (12), 1177-1193, 2011
Building a ros-based testbed for realistic multi-robot simulation: Taking the exploration as an example
Z Yan, L Fabresse, J Laval, N Bouraqadi
Robotics 6 (3), 21, 2017
Team size optimization for multi-robot exploration
Z Yan, L Fabresse, J Laval, N Bouraqadi
Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots: 4th …, 2014
Efficient retrieval and ranking of undesired package cycles in large software systems
JR Falleri, S Denier, J Laval, P Vismara, S Ducasse
Objects, Models, Components, Patterns: 49th International Conference, TOOLS …, 2011
An empirical model for continuous and weighted metric aggregation
K Mordal-Manet, J Laval, S Ducasse, N Anquetil, F Balmas, F Bellingard, ...
2011 15th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 141-150, 2011
Squale–software quality enhancement
A Bergel, S Denier, S Ducasse, J Laval, F Bellingard, P Vaillergues, ...
2009 13th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 285-288, 2009
Cold-start cybersecurity ontology population using information extraction with LSTM
H Gasmi, J Laval, A Bouras
2019 International Conference on Cyber Security for Emerging Technologies …, 2019
A methodology for testing mobile autonomous robots
J Laval, L Fabresse, N Bouraqadi
2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems …, 2013
OZONE: Layer Identification in the presence of Cyclic Dependencies
J Laval, N Anquetil, U Bhatti, S Ducasse
Science of Computer Programming 78 (8), 1055-1072, 2013
Assessing the quality of your software with MoQam
J Laval, A Bergel, S Ducasse
FAMOOSr 2008-2nd Workshop on FAMIX and Moose in Reengineering, 2008
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Articles 1–20