Jamie Costley
Cited by
Cited by
Improving online video lectures: learning challenges created by media
C Lange, J Costley
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 17, 1-18, 2020
The effects of video lecture viewing strategies on cognitive load
J Costley, M Fanguy, C Lange, M Baldwin
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 33, 19-38, 2021
Video lectures in e-learning: effects of viewership and media diversity on learning, satisfaction, engagement, interest, and future behavioral intention
J Costley, CH Lange
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 14 (1), 14-30, 2017
The effects of instructor control of online learning environments on satisfaction and perceived learning
J Costley, C Lange
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 14 (3), pp169‑180-pp169‑180, 2016
Informal cooperative learning in small groups: The effect of scaffolding on participation
C Lange, J Costley, SL Han
Issues in Educational Research 26 (2), 260-279, 2016
The effects of instructor control on critical thinking and social presence: Variations within three online asynchronous learning environments.
J Costley
Journal of Educators Online 13 (1), 109-171, 2016
Digital storytelling with chatbots: Mapping L2 participation and perception patterns
D Bailey, A Southam, J Costley
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 18 (1), 85-103, 2021
Student perceptions of academic dishonesty at a cyber-university in South Korea
J Costley
Journal of Academic Ethics 17 (2), 205-217, 2019
The moderating effects of group work on the relationship between motivation and cognitive load
J Costley, C Lange
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 19 (1), 2018
The effects of instructional design on student engagement with video lectures at cyber universities.
J Costley, C Hughes, C Lange
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 16 (1), 2017
The effects of lecture diversity on germane load
J Costley, CH Lange
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 18 (2), 27-46, 2017
The effects of multimedia video lectures on extraneous load
C Hughes, J Costley, C Lange
Distance Education 40 (1), 54-75, 2019
The mediating effects of germane cognitive load on the relationship between instructional design and students’ future behavioral intention
J Costley, C Lange
Electronic Journal of e-Learning 15 (2), pp174‑187-pp174‑187, 2017
The Relationship between Social Presence and Critical Thinking: Results from Learner Discourse in an Asynchronous Learning Environment.
J Costley, C Lange
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 15, 2016
Using cognitive strategies overcomes cognitive load in online learning environments
J Costley
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 17 (2), 215-228, 2020
The effects of collaborative note-taking in flipped learning contexts
F Mik
Journal of Language and Education 5 (4 (20)), 25-35, 2019
How role-taking in a group-work setting affects the relationship between the amount of collaboration and germane cognitive load
J Costley
International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 18 (1), 24, 2021
The effects of extraneous load on the relationship between self-regulated effort and germane load within an e-learning environment
C Lange, J Costley, S Han
International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 18 (5), 64-83, 2017
The relationship between social presence and cognitive load
J Costley
Interactive Technology and Smart Education 16 (2), 172-182, 2019
Collaborative note-taking affects cognitive load: the interplay of completeness and interaction
J Costley, M Fanguy
Educational Technology Research and Development 69, 655-671, 2021
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Articles 1–20