Fran Edmonds
Cited by
Cited by
Keeping Intouchable: A community report on the use of mobile phones and social networking by young Aboriginal people in Victoria
F Edmonds
APO: Analysis & Policy Observatory, 2012
Co-constructing meaning and negotiating participation: Ethical tensions when ‘giving voice’through digital storytelling
J Waycott, H Davis, D Warr, F Edmonds, G Taylor
Interacting with Computers 29 (2), 237-247, 2017
Maree's Backyard: Intercultural Collaborations for Indigenous Sovereignty in Melbourne
S Thorner, F Edmonds, M Clarke, P Balla
Oceania 88 (3), 269-291, 2018
Telling our stories: Aboriginal young people in Victoria and digital storytelling
F Edmonds, R Chenhall, M Arnold, T Lewis, S Lowish
Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society, 2014
What’s ya story: the making of a digital storytelling mobile app with Aboriginal young people
F Edmonds
Institute for a Broadband-Enabled Society, Australian Communications …, 2014
Aboriginal knowledge, digital technologies and cultural collections: Policy, protocols, practice
P De Souza, F Edmonds, S McQuire, M Evans, R Chenhall
School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, 2016
Digital storytelling and Aboriginal young people: An exploration of digital technology to support contemporary Koori culture
F Edmonds
Mobile media making in an age of smartphones, 92-103, 2014
Making murals, revealing histories: Murals as an assertion of Aboriginality in Melbourne’s inner north
F Edmonds
Urban Representations: Cultural expression, identity and politics 21, 2012
“We have survived”: south-east Australian Aboriginal art exhibitions since 1988
F Edmonds
ReCollections: Journal of the National Museum of Australia 5 (1), 2010
Sort of Like Reading a Map: A Community Report on the Survival of South-East Australian Aboriginal Art since 1834
F Edmonds, M Clarke
Cooperative Research Centre for Aboriginal Health, 2009
Ancestral memory out of the shadows
F Edmonds, L Darroch, M Clarke, V Couzens
Artlink 32 (2), 56-61, 2012
Ethical considerations when using visual methods in digital storytelling with Aboriginal young people in southeast Australia
F Edmonds, M Evans, S McQuire, R Chenhall
Ethics and visual research methods: Theory, methodology, and practice, 171-184, 2016
The living archive of aboriginal art: Maree clarke and the circulation of photographs as culture-making
S Thorner, F Edmonds, M Clarke, K Thorpe, R Khan, S Huebner
Mapping Meaning: The Journal, 2019
The living archive of aboriginal art: Expressions of indigenous knowledge systems through collaborative art-making
FE Edmonds, R Khan, S Thorner, M Clarke
Revista de Estudios Globales y Arte Contemporáneo 7 (1), 267-311, 2020
Digital storytelling, image-making and self-representation: Building digital literacy as an ethical response for supporting Aboriginal young peoples' digital identities
F Edmonds, M Evans, S McQuire, R Chenhall
Visual Methodologies 3 (2), 98-111, 2015
Aboriginal Knowledge, Digital Technologies and Cultural Collections
P Souza, F Edmonds, S McQuire, M Evans
Loss and Longing for the Field During COVID-19 in Australia and Finding It Again Because ‘Ngukurr Is Everywhere’
K Senior, R Chenhall, F Edmonds
Negotiating the Pandemic: Cultural, National, and Individual Constructions …, 2022
Feather Flowers,‘Home’and a Global Pandemic: Collaborative Storytelling and the Relationality of Things
F Edmonds, M Clarke, K Senior, D Daniels
Massive/Micro Autoethnography: Creative Learning in COVID Times, 69-97, 2022
From the Studio to the Bush: Aboriginal Young People, Mobile Story-Making and Cultural Connections
F Edmonds, R Chenhall, S McQuire, M Evans
Mobile Story Making in an Age of Smartphones, 31-40, 2018
Intercultural research: Aboriginal young people and the digital storytelling process as knowledge exchange
F Edmonds, R Chenhall, E Munro-Harrison
Handbook of Qualitative Cross-Cultural Research Methods, 233-255, 2022
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Articles 1–20