Daniel Nunes
Daniel Nunes
Champalimaud Research
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Cited by
SANDI: a compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI
M Palombo, A Ianus, M Guerreri, D Nunes, DC Alexander, N Shemesh, ...
Neuroimage 215, 116835, 2020
Noninvasive quantification of axon radii using diffusion MRI
J Veraart, D Nunes, U Rudrapatna, E Fieremans, DK Jones, DS Novikov, ...
Elife 9, e49855, 2020
Disinhibition of olfactory bulb granule cells accelerates odour discrimination in mice
D Nunes, T Kuner
Nature communications 6 (1), 1-13, 2015
Derivation of pluripotent cells from mouse SSCs seems to be age dependent
H Azizi, S Conrad, U Hinz, B Asgari, D Nanus, H Peterziel, ...
Stem cells international 2016, 2016
Layer-specific connectivity revealed by diffusion-weighted functional MRI in the rat thalamocortical pathway
D Nunes, A Ianus, N Shemesh
NeuroImage 184, 646-657, 2019
A rapid-onset diffusion functional MRI signal reflects neuromorphological coupling dynamics
D Nunes, R Gil, N Shemesh
NeuroImage, 117862, 2021
Mapping axonal density and average diameter using non-monotonic time-dependent gradient-echo MRI
D Nunes, TL Cruz, SN Jespersen, N Shemesh
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 277, 117-130, 2017
Similarity and strength of glomerular odor representations define a neural metric of sniff-invariant discrimination time
AS Bhattacharjee, S Konakamchi, D Turaev, R Vincis, D Nunes, ...
Cell reports 28 (11), 2966-2978. e5, 2019
Axonal sodium channel NaV1. 2 drives granule cell dendritic GABA release and rapid odor discrimination
D Nunes, T Kuner
PLoS biology 16 (8), e2003816, 2018
Impact of the sound of magnetic resonance imaging pulse sequences in awake mice
J Almeida, F Severo, D Nunes
Journal of Applied Animal Welfare Science 25 (1), 75-88, 2022
Histological validation of the brain cell body imaging with diffusion MRI at ultrahigh field
M Palombo, D Nunes, D Alexander, H Zhang, N Shemesh
ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine), 2019
Corrigendum to “SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI”[Neuroimage 215 (2020), 116835]
M Palombo, A Ianus, M Guerreri, D Nunes, DC Alexander, N Shemesh, ...
Neuroimage 226, 2021
Noninvasive quantification of axon radii using diffusion MRI
V Jelle, D Nunes, R Umesh, F Els, DK Jones, DS Novikov, S Noam
eLife 9, 2020
Line-scanning diffusion fMRI reveals a rapid-onset (< 200 ms) component
D Nunes, N Shemesh
Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 27, 1056, 2019
Fast kurtosis imaging and its application to assess time dependence of diffusion and kurtosis parameters in the rat spinal cord
SN Jespersen, B Hansen, E Stubbe, D Nunes, N Shemesh
Front. Phys. Conference Abstract: New dimensions in diffusion encoding, 2016
Validating MR axon diameter mapping using confocal microscopy
J Veraart, D Nunes, E Fieremans, DS Novikov, N Shemesh
Time dependence of diffusion and kurtosis parameters in the rat spinal cord
SN Jespersen, B Hansen, D Nunes, N Shemesh
Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med 24, 2016, 2029
Corrigendum to" SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI"[Neuroimage 215 (2020), 116835].
M Palombo, A Ianus, M Guerreri, D Nunes, DC Alexander, N Shemesh, ...
NeuroImage 226, 117612-117612, 2020
Validating MR axon diameter mapping using confocal microscopy
NS Jelle Veraart, Daniel Nunes, Els Fieremans, Dmitry Novikov
ISMRM 27th annual meeting 2019, 2019
Histological validation of the brain cell body imaging with diffusion MRI at ultrahigh field
NS Marco Palombo, Daniel Nunes, Daniel Alexander, Hui Zhang
ISMRM 27th annual meeting 2019, 2019
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Articles 1–20