Herman Sjahruddin # 57214681863 # Orcid.0000-0003-4627-6961
Herman Sjahruddin # 57214681863 # Orcid.0000-0003-4627-6961
Other namesHerman Syahruddin
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Makassar Bongaya
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Pengaruh kualitas produk dan kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan minat beli ulang
A Bahar
INA-Rxiv, 2017
Pengaruh reward dan punishment terhadap kinerja karyawan
WS Astuti, H Sjahruddin, S Purnomo
INA-Rxiv, 2018
Organizational justice, organizational commitment and trust in manager as predictor of organizational citizenship behavior
H Sjahruddin, AA Sudiro
Interdiciplinary J. of contemporary Res. Bus.(IJCRB) 4 (12), 133-141, 2013
Building patient loyalty in healthcare services
AH Ramli, H Sjahruddin
International Review of Management and Business Research 4 (2), 391, 2015
Pengaruh Kualitas Produk dan Lokasi Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Melalui Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variabel Intervening Pada Lamuna Coffee di Kabupaten Bone
AA Wirawan, H Sjahruddin, N Razak
Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen 10 (1), 15-26, 2019
Innovative work behaviors in pharmacies of Indonesia: role of employee voice, generational diversity management and employee engagement
WO Sifatu, H Sjahruddin, Y Fajriah, NK Dwijendra, A Santoso
Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy 11 (2), 725-734, 2020
The structure of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and its relationship with work enthusiasm and auditor performance
R Hasanuddin, H Sjahruddin
Structure 3 (1), 67-85, 2017
The antecedent and consequence of Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction
C Toban, H Sjahruddin
Journal of Business and Management Sciences 4 (2), 26-33, 2016
Personality effect on organizational citizenship behavior (OCB): trust in manager and organizational commitment mediator of organizational justice in Makassar City Hospitals …
H Sjahruddin, AAS Normijati
European Journal of Business and Management 5 (9), 95-104, 2013
Pengaruh struktur modal dan ukuran perusahaan terhadap profitabilitas pada perusahaan otomotif yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia
D Lorenza, MA Kadir, H Sjahruddin
Jurnal Ekonomi Manajemen 6 (1), 13-20, 2020
Brand awareness as predictors of repurchase intention: Brand attitude as a moderator
N Razak, OS Themba, H Sjahruddin
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 6 (2), 2019
Increasing customers’ loyalty. The contribution of marketing strategy, service quality and customer satisfaction
OS Themba, N Razak, H Sjahruddin
Archives of Business Research 7 (2), 2019
Pengaruh konflik peran ganda terhadap kinerja melalui stres kerja
TD Burhanuddin, H Sjahruddin, AM Mus
INA-Rxiv, 2018
An examination of the relationships between customer relationship management quality, service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty: The case of five star hotels
S Mokhtar, H Sjahruddin
Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 6 (2), 2019
Role of product innovation and brand image toward customer interest and its implication on electronic products purchase decision
H Tannady, H Sjahruddin, I Saleh, JM Renwarin, A Nuryana
Widyakala Journal 9 (2), 93-98, 2022
Pengaruh Karakteristik Individu dan Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai
WS Wijayanti, H Sjahruddin, N Razak
Jurnal Organisasi dan manajemen 1 (1), 14-28, 2017
Pengaruh beban kerja terhadap kepuasan kerja dengan burnout sebagai intervening pada kantor pos indonesia cabang makassar
DSD Malino, J Radja, H Sjahruddin
Niagawan 9 (2), 94-101, 2020
Jurnal Mantik
H Sjahruddin, P Hidayat, I Moridu, INT Sutaguna
Jurnal Mantik 6 (3), 2753-2758, 2022
Pengaruh Alokasi Dana Desa dan Pendapatan Asli Desa Terhadap Belanja Desa
AR Amnan, H Sjahruddin
Jurnal Organisasi Dan Manajemen 1 (8), 37-46, 2019
Pengaruh knowledge management terhadap kinerja pegawai
F Adzima, H Sjahruddin
Jurnal organisasi dan manajemen 1 (1), 2019
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Articles 1–20